Day Three: That Voice

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TUE, DEC 15TH, 2020. 6.55 PM GMT.
The Savoy. Junior Suite. My Room.

I think I'll only write this one time today, Journal-nim. I have to concentrate on my thesis anyway.

Today started pretty normally. I woke up at 8, did my morning exercise and took shower. When I went out, Minjeong had just walked out of her room, yawning loudly, wearing her cute pink pajamas.

"Morning, Hajoon-ssi..." she greeted me sleepily.

I couldn't stop a chuckle from leaving my mouth as I saw her. She was simply so, so, so cute. She caught this, and she giggled cutely while staring at me.

"Mo–Morning, Minjeong-ssi," I said, stuttering a bit. She laughed her joyous, bubbly laughter again, before walking straight into the bathroom.

Gosh... How can I stay sane if I have to stay in the same room with this absolutely adorable girl for ten days? Hang on... Might not be 10 days after all, right? The front desk told me that a room is vacating this Friday. So... Maybe I'll move there in a couple days?

We talked again during breakfast, and Minjeong started cracking some jokes. I wasn't much of a joker... And most of my jokes are either lame, or... Men related. Still, she laughed at one joke I told her about three men going into a bar. (Gosh... Why was I so lame?)

Minjeong seemed to be in a great mood today. I decided to ask her why, and she said that she was happy because she'd received a new song from her friends. She said the title was 'Forever', and she'll be practicing it today.

Practicing? Ah... Maybe she's a music major student. I wanted to confirm it to her, but I decided against it. I'll wait for her to tell me herself.

We continued talking and joking long after breakfast. I knew I had to continue my thesis, but for some reason, I decided to just accompany her in the living room. She might be bored staying locked in her room all day long, and I still had some time until the submission after the Christmas holiday.

Before we knew it, lunch came, and after lunch I reluctantly had to go back to my room and continue writing my thesis. To my surprise... Minjeong looked disappointed when I told her that. But she quickly disguised it with a smile.

"Alright! I'll just... Head to my room and start practicing," she said cutely. "Annyeong!"

She skipped into her room and slammed the door closed. I laughed out loud. Really! This girl is simply adorable!

I went to my room and started working on my thesis again, but then...

Then, Journal-nim...

I heard it...

That voice.

I've listened to many singers, both Koreans and Westerners, but still... Journal-nim... That was the sweetest voice I've ever heard. It was clear as a bell. It was as if Minjeong's vocal cord had never touched anything oily or fried before.

I couldn't make out the lyrics of the song, but I knew that it was her singing voice. My gosh, Journal-nim... I had to stop. I had to stop writing when I heard her. What sucks was... She kept singing for more than an hour.

I wanted soooooooo badly to go out of my room and knock on hers and to ask if I could be her private audience, but... Nah... That's stepping out of line.

She was practicing anyway, so my presence would only intrude. I decided to just sit here and listen. It was beautiful. So beautiful.

Should I ask her at dinner? It should come anytime soon, right? Ah. That's the bell. That's Minjeong opening her room. That's...

Kekekeke, Journal-nim...

"Hajoon-ssi! Food's here! Bap meogja!" she called out.

I'm writing this with a big fat grin on my face. To tell you the truth, Journal-nim... I've been smiling stupidly this entire time. I should stop. I should maintain my image when I meet her, and then I should actually start working on my thesis. Here's hoping... That Minjeong wouldn't sing again after dinner.

But... That voice... Jeez... I'm addicted to that voice.

14 Days of Winter: A Journal by Kim HajoonWhere stories live. Discover now