From Minjeong

785 35 8

I guess Hajoon-Oppa calls you 'Journal-nim'. Kekeke... So sweet.

How do I write this?

Oh... Hang on...

Kim Minjeong Journal Entry
Sunday, 26-12-2020. 06.13 AM
West End, Apartment, London, UK

Did I write it wrongly? Oh well... :)


Thank you for being Hajoon-Oppa's friend these past fourteen days. I... He left you on the kitchen table, so when I went out earlier I found you. Sorry, I guess I shouldn't be that nosy, but I had just spent the past couple of hours reading everything he had written here these past two weeks, and...

Gosh. He wrote a lot, didn't he? He wrote everything that happened. He even wrote about last night. :) (Shy...)

I am the luckiest girl in the world.

He's still asleep, looking so cute. Gosh. It was the first time I woke up with someone by my side on the bed. I woke up at four, I think, and I found myself crying, knowing that today is going to be the last I'm going to see him for God knows how long...


Journal-nim... Forgive me. Can I write a little something for the love of my life in you? I hope you don't mind... :)

When you open this book again later today... I might already be flying back to Seoul. I...

I just want to say thank you for these past fourteen days. I couldn't imagine spending my quarantine with anyone else but you.

Thank you for keeping me happy. Even when I felt like shit, you're still able to make me smile again.

Thank you for showing me London. I promise I'll come back here again one day to explore more of this beautiful city with you.

Thank you for believing in me. And... Thank you for loving me.

I'm not good with words. Not as good as you.

I just want you to know that I love you. I'm going to wait for you back in Korea. Please find me when you're home. I'll wait for you... No matter how long.

Here's hoping the pandemic will end soon, so you can return to my arms again.

I love you, my Summer,
Your Winter💙

PS: Journal-nim, please take good care of Oppa, okay?
I trust you.

14 Days of Winter: A Journal by Kim HajoonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant