Day Five: Draw Me

688 35 8

THU, DEC 17TH, 2020. 6.55 PM GMT.
The Savoy. Junior Suite. My Room.


Today started out normally. I did my usual morning routine, before having breakfast with the cheerful Minjeong. We talked and joked throughout the meal, and afterwards she went straight into her room, telling me that she had to attend some meetings.

Kekeke... What meeting?

Still, all is well. Not spending time with Minjeong means I got to catch up on my studies and thesis. Our lunch was normal too, and after lunch she (again) went straight back to her room, telling me that she's got another meeting (gosh, so busy) and would see me again at tea time.

Now, tea time... That's when things got a little interesting.

We sat down around the dining table, sipping our tea (lapsang souchong, of course) and enjoying our crumpets and pastries, before suddenly Minjeong lifted her head and smiled at me.

"Hajoon-hyung, can I see what you're studying? What major are you anyway? Do you have some secret lab in your room?" she bombarded me with questions.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud, and she joined me promptly. (My gosh, Journal-nim...)

After our laughter died down, I had a super-dangerous idea in my mind. Should I? (Don't ask. I did it anyway).

"Come! See for yourself!" I said, mustering up my courage.
"Let's go!" she replied immediately, punching her tiny fist in the air.

We laughed again, and I led her to my room. I opened the door and let her enter, and as soon as she saw my reference art books, sketchbooks, journals, and laptop, she let out a loud gasp (don't worry, I had hidden you in a safe place).

She turned to face me and glared at me with those beautiful, beautiful eyes of hers.

"YOU'RE AN ART STUDENT?" she exclaimed loudly. I laughed and nodded.
"That bad, huh?" I asked, a little embarrassedly, but Minjeong shook her head rapidly.
"No, no! That's amazing! You're amazing!" she continued exclaiming.

When she said that, Journal-nim... I swear I thought my heart stopped beating.

I'm amazing?

I don't know if I blushed, but from her reaction (she was giggling), maybe I was. Yeah. I definitely blushed. I could feel heat rushing to my face.

I let her explore my stuff, and she whistled in amazement every now and then. I stared at her (while smiling wide like a crazy person), and suddenly she muttered.

"I always admire visual art students..."

Okay. My heart was beating so fast when she said that. Gosh. Living with Minjeong is unhealthy for my heart, apparently.

"Y–You do?" I stuttered, but at that moment suddenly she turned to face me, waving my sketchbook in the air, grinning from ear to ear.
"Ya, Hyung... Can you... Draw me?"

I can, of course. To be completely honest, I've been repressing that thought for quite a while now. I thought it would make me look like a creep. But now... It was her who asked me, right? Hence...

Confidently, I nodded.

"Sure! I'll draw you..." I told her, extending my arm to retrieve the sketchbook.
"Like one of your French girls?" she suddenly quipped while slowly peeling the fabric of her cardigan off her shoulder.

14 Days of Winter: A Journal by Kim HajoonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt