Day Ten: A Present

740 40 13

TUE, DEC 22ND, 2020. 10.05 PM GMT
The Savoy. Junior Suite. My Room

It's our last day of quarantine! This will be the last time I'm writing to you inside this room. I mean... The Savoy is nice, not to mention the Junior Suite, but staying cooped up for 10 days in the same room is still horrible, even inside The Savoy's Junior Suite.

So here I am, inside my room. Minjeong had just wished me a good night and went inside her room. We need to pack our stuff today. I need to pack my stuff. Shit. I know I need to do it, but... I gotta tell you everything that happened today first.

Today was a HAPPY DAY for multiple reasons. Number one, knowing that tomorrow I'll finally breathe fresh air again is something to be happy about. There were also a series of events that made this day ABSOLUTELY ICONIC (I'll tell you in detail in just a bit), but...

It didn't start as a happy one.

For one, Minjeong wasn't in the best of moods when I met her this morning. I could understand: Her friends were leaving London today, and she had completely missed the chance to record in her dream studio. I'd be as devastated if I was her, and she was indeed devastated.

The usually cheerful and bubbly Minjeong was quiet and sullen today. She didn't talk much during our breakfast and lunch, and only smiled kindly when I tried to make jokes. After a few failed attempts to make her laugh and bring back her cheerful self, I gave up and excused myself to my room to study.

But, Journal-nim... I am not Kim Hajoon if I didn't think of something to cheer her up.

After all, come on... I don't think I can live even one day without seeing her smile, hearing her laugh, watching her cute attitude. I can't, Journal-nim. She'd hooked me, and I am not willing to let her go.

So... Instead of studying (forget it, Journal-nim. I'll still have plenty of time to finish my thesis after the quarantine is over), I wracked my brain, trying to find a way to cheer her up again. I had to do something, anything. I long to see that cute smile again.

Guess what I ended up doing!


Can you guess?


That's right! (Or wrong... I don't know what your answer was, kekeke) I drew her!

I didn't just draw one picture of her.

I drew A LOT of pictures of her!

Alright... I didn't draw her like I did a few days ago when I had her posing for me in real time. I don't have a photo of her yet (Maybe I should take a selfie with her, or use my polaroid cam?)... So what could I do? I drew her from memory.

Of course it wasn't a realistic drawing (I couldn't, not without her posing for me or a photo of her). I decided to draw cartoon illustrations of her, cute chibi versions of her.

I decided to recall everything that had happened these past ten days. Whatever I remembered, I drew that...

I remember I saw her looking agitated in the airport... So I drew that.
I saw her shouting at the hotel staff and on the phone to her manager when she reached here... So I drew that.
She talked on her phone a lot with her three friends: Karina, Giselle, and Ningning... So I drew that.
She loved tea and lapsang souchong... So I drew that.

(Here's a reminder to bring her to the Twining's Shop at The Strand tomorrow if she has the time).

We played a lot of board games together... So I drew that.
The way she called me for lunch or dinner every day... So I drew that.
Her... Sexy... Dance... I didn't draw it like that, but... I drew her dancing.
The way she sang that beautiful song yesterday... So I drew that.

14 Days of Winter: A Journal by Kim HajoonWhere stories live. Discover now