Day Twelve: Forever

856 34 16

(well, technically it's already Christmas Day, but...)
FRI, DEC 25TH, 2020. 00.20 GMT
Apartment, West End. Living Room.


Yes, a lot happened today. So much so that I didn't have the chance to write until after the day had changed.

Let me start with this question:
Who is this Kim Minjeong really, and why does she keep making every day the best day of my life?


Let me recount what happened last night first of all:

We went for our short tour last night, walking around Chinatown, then past the theaters at West End, and up all the way to Piccadilly Circus. Usually it would be packed with people, but with the new COVID-19 safety protocols, it was relatively empty, so we could snap a few photos in front of the Piccadilly Lights, which was a sight to see in itself. After our short tour, we went back, and I cooked her our Indomie Mie Goreng, and she squealed around so much as she enjoyed the delicious noodle it made me laugh. After dinner, we talked and joked all the way to midnight, before she yawned and left for her room, while I stayed on the living room sofa.

"Good night, Minjeong. I'll see you tomorrow!" I said.
"Good night, Oppa... Sleep well..." she said with a smile.

That, Journal-nim, was when she...

She kissed my cheek.

I blushed, and she blushed. Instinctively, I did the one thing that I thought I'd never do.

I kissed her cheek.

"R–Right. G–Good night, Oppa..."

For once, it was her who blushed and stuttered. She slammed her door shut, but I didn't worry. She was smiling wide, she was blushing red, and I could almost swear that I heard her squealing inside her room (or so I thought).

What is this, Journal-nim?
Is this what falling in love feels like?
If it is... Then...
It's undoubtedly the best feeling in the whole world ever!

I slept with a huge grin on my face. In my mind, I already have a list of places that I wanted to take Minjeong to the day after, which is today.

I woke up early today, earlier than usual and definitely earlier than Minjeong. Probably because I was sleeping on a sofa, not a bed, but all was well.

I went straight to the bathroom to clean myself, and afterwards I went straight to the kitchen. We bought a few groceries too last night, so I took out four eggs and some mushrooms, turning them into a French omelet (the fanciest thing I can cook. Don't laugh). I brewed us some coffee, and then... At around 9...

Her door opened.

She yawned loudly.

Gosh... She looked so adorable.

"Morning, Minjeong! Breakfast?" I asked.
"Morning, Oppa... Hmm?"

She blinked a few times, still not fully awake (Read: looking extra cute), and then she sniffed a few times. When the aroma of food and coffee reached her, her eyes flung open.

"W–Woah! Who... You cooked breakfast?" she asked, her eyes opening so wide in amazement.

I chuckled. Feeling a little embarrassed.

"Y–Yeah, kinda," I said, and she gasped.

"My gosh, Oppa... You can draw, you make sick Smokey Iced Tea, you can cook... Is there anything you can't do?" she sighed with a big smile.

14 Days of Winter: A Journal by Kim HajoonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя