Day Nine: A Shattered Dream

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MON, DEC 21ST, 2020. 8.02 PM GMT
The Savoy. Junior Suite. Living Room Sofa.
Next to Kim Minjeong.


Yes. You read that right. I'm writing this as I sat down on the sofa next to Minjeong, but she's sleeping... So... She doesn't know. Let me tell you how I ended up in this situation.

Today's Monday, so I got busy working on my thesis again after that ... Eventful weekend with Minjeong. She also has a few meetings to attend to with her bandmates and manager, so after breakfast we cheerfully entered our own separate rooms.

"See you at lunch, Hyung!" she exclaimed happily before she entered. I chuckled and nodded.

I worked on my thesis and finished up quite a big portion of a chapter, and before long I heard the doorbell, signaling the hotel staff delivering our lunch. I also heard the familiar...

"Hajoon-hyung! Bab meogja!"

Kekeke... Journal-nim... I think I'll miss that call after this quarantine. Should I record her voice and set it as my alarm?

I went out and sat down at the dining table with Minjeong. We ate quickly and cheerfully, trading jokes here and there. After lunch, we went straight to our rooms again, getting back to our own business. We repeated the same thing at tea-time, and then it was time for dinner.

As we started eating, I looked at her. She was still smiling, but I noticed that she looked a little troubled. So, I decided to ask her, but I had to play it right...

"How's your meeting?"

She paused for a moment, chewing her food.

"Oh... It's–It's good," she said with a smile.

No. I could tell that there was something bothering her. Should I press? But... I shouldn't, right? I'm not that close yet to her. She might be offended. I decided against it.

"Ah... Alright. So... What do you plan to do tonight?" I decided to change the topic.

Minjeong smiled appreciatively (or so I thought) and chuckled.

"I... I want to practice my vocals again, Hyung," she said.

My heart skipped a beat. Vocals? Then I'd get to hear her beautiful singing voice again?

"Oh, wow! Okay... What song?" I asked her. She smiled.
"The one I've been practicing..." she said.

Then she looked down.

"... The one we're supposed to record in Abbey Road."

I understood.

So that's what made her sad. It was her dream to record this song in Abbey Road, but she's here, stuck in quarantine.

Oh gosh...

What should I do? I should cheer her up, right?

I had an idea.

I stood up, grabbed her arm and gently pulled her to stand. She looked at me in confusion as I slowly pulled her to the living room. I set her up in the middle of the room, I sat down on one sofa, and I whipped out my phone.

"What are you doing?" she asked me with a chuckle.
"Starting a private recording session for you," I said, opening the voice recording app on my phone.

Minjeong stared at me for a few moments. I met her gaze and smiled. I wanted to cheer her up, and that was all I could do. I hoped it did the trick.

Judging from the gorgeous smile that blossomed on her face, I think it did.

14 Days of Winter: A Journal by Kim HajoonWhere stories live. Discover now