Whats his name?

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~Jenna's POV~

"Do you guys want the check?" I ask awkwardly. They all nod politely and I walk to the register. I leave the check on their table and help the other few customers out. I walk around aimlessly and often look over at the guys table just to see 'number 17' looking at me, then quickly putting his focus on the guys when he sees me peering over. They all get up and thank me as I awkwardly wave and wish them a good night. As they exit I over-hear their plans; "So how good does that after party sound right now guys?" one of his friends asks. "AMAZING!! Let's go get turnt!" '17' yells. Still don't know his name... I go over to the table to clean up when I see the receipt. In slightly messy handwriting, I see a phone number on the top and underneath it reads "-17." I'm slightly annoyed at his cockiness and confidence however, I smile at the thought he did this for me. For me. Someone he doesn't even know. Does he know me? Does he know who I am? I would feel so embarrassed if he knew my name and knew I didn't know his. Omaha is a small town. But not that small.

As I close up the restaurant, I grab the receipt and consider whether or not I should stop by at that after party. I mean, everyone is there. Plus, Izzy could most likely use some saving before she gets too drunk. Not that she isn't responsible, she just likes to take her problems out on a drink. I get in the car and start driving and at first, I am not sure where. Home? Or the party? But then get a text from Kenny.
*Hey Izzy needs a little help- we are at Nash's place(one of the guys on the football team) and guess who just showed up... 😏17!!*
I smirk at my prediction of Izzy's state of alcohol consumption...
My response-
*okay on my way, idiot...😂*
I drive over to find almost the entire block surrounded my cars. I have to park down the street and run up to the house. I see drunk people everywhere. People doing keg stands on my right and others making out on my left. Trust me when they say high school parties get crazy... they do! I walk into the crowded house. I have been here before. Nash constantly throws parties. I find my way around to the kitchen to find Marisa doing a body shot on Johnson! That was unexpected... I let them have their fun and walk past and into the living room. I see a farmiliar person... I can't see her face but I know exactly who it is and what she's doing. "Izzy!" I scream over the blasting music and loud cheers coming from the kitchen. "What the hell are you doing?" I ask as I see her sitting on Gilinsky's lap. Both of them drunk. Tomorrow they will most likely not remember that they spent the entire night making out and end up being friends again. Like nothing happened.
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm kind of busy if you can't see." She sasses back to me then turns back around. I'll leave them for a few more minutes so I can find Kenny. I realize he is sitting across the room. On another couch. Looking at Izzy, then me. I feel bad. He's hold a beer bottle in his hand and stands up to walk over but he stumbles a bit. I can tell he's been drinking. But he's not wasted... yet. I grab onto Izzy's arm then put my arm over Kenny's shoulder to escort them to my car. I turn around to look at Jack and nod my head in a way so he understand he should follow me too. He obeys. I bring them to the car. Kenny in the front and Kack and Izzy still attempting to make out in the back. Hopefully it doesn't get too heated. I run back to get Marisa and Johnson but they are no where to be seen. I feel like such a mother. Why do I always have to watch them? Ugh! I run and shove through everyone. I search the entire downstairs and see no sign of them. I realize the obvious... two drunk people... a girl and a boy... dating... at a party...

I scramble upstairs and look everywhere and see no sign of them. I rush to the end of the hallway and open the door to what looks like a bedroom to see the two of them making out. Luckily it wasn't anything more. I laugh and they start to laugh along, most likely oblivious of the whole situation. Thank gosh I didn't see Johnson's bare asscheeks..

~20 minutes later~
All who is left with me in the car is Kenny. I dropped off everyone else. I made sure Izzy and Jack didn't do anything they regret... along with Johnson and Marisa. Kenny looks slightly more sober... He is not bad at all when he is drunk. At this point he seems to be almost cleansed...

I just dropped off Marisa which leaves me and Kenny sitting in my car in front of her house.

"You okay? I ask him.

"I think so. I have a little headache but no biggy." He assures me. I smile. I realize I wanted to ask him about '17.' I look for the receipt and find it in the center console. I pull it out and show him.

"What am I looking at exactly?" He questions me.

"That's '17's number. Him and his friends stopped by at the restaurant after the game. He kept looking at me and I didn't know what to do." I laugh at my middle school like reaction to the situation. I'm a dating amateur for sure.

He laughs. "Text him already!"

"Calm down, calm down. I'm scared... what if I sound desperate?" I then realize I'm way overthinking the situation. He laughs and then I shake my head. We sit in silence for a few seconds.

"Can I just stay at your place tonight?" He changes the subject.

"Sure." I assure him with a small smile and drive home.

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