Too soon

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"Fucking wake up Izzy!" I yell as loud as I can and I jump on Izzy's bed.

Today is prom and we have appointments after appointments after appointments.

It's about 9:30am and Izzy won't wake up.

We have a 10am appointment at a tanning place about 20 minutes form here and she isn't up yet.

"I'm up, I'm up, Jesus Christ!" She yells back at me with her eyes still closed.

"It's 9:30..." I trial off and she pops up like a spring and runs for the bathroom.

Five minutes later she comes out in a bikini with a muscle tee over it and a loose pair of exercise shorts.

"Lets go, I don't have to do my hair or makeup or anything so let's go." She says and walks out of my room.

We walk through the kitchen and I throw her a granola bar and we leave and get into my car.

~At tanning studio~

"Hi, I'm Jenna, my friend and I have a 10am appointment?" I say which ends up more into a question.

"Yes, follow me," The lady says and we walk after her down a hallway and turn left into a big room which includes all the tanning supplies, a shower, and a like area which I'm assuming you get the tan actually done in, it's covered in blue sheets so the spray doesn't get on the wall.

"Chloe will be here in a minute to help you two," She says and leaves the room.

I turn around a look at Izzy who is going through the different shades.

"I don't wanna be really tan, I might just go a few shades darker," She says. She's already tan. I mean not really tan, but tanner than me.

After all, everyone is tanner than me tho...

"Me too," I say because I honestly don't want to look like some freak going from one shade to 10 shades darker.

"Hey guys, what can I do for you today?" A lady says who I am assuming is Chloe as she walks in the room and sits down on a rolly chair.

"I just want to go two shades darker, please." Izzy says and takes off her shirt and shorts.

"No problem, step onto this mat," Chloe says and points on the blue sheets I noticed earlier.

She starts to spray her down and it looks really good.

I'm less nervous now.

"Okay now just step to the side and wait for a few minutes and you can rinse off, this kinda will stain your skin so it doesn't come off in the shower immediately." She says and Izzy does as told.

"I also just want two shades darker," I say and she nods and grabs a different tube with a different color.

"Stand here," She says and point the same place she did with Izzy.

I had already taken off my clothes while Izzy was getting her tan done.

She sprays me down and it's very cold. It feels weird.

She pauses spraying me and turns to Izzy.

"You can step into the shower and turn on the warm water and just rinse your whole body down. When you rubs your skin and no color comes off, you can get out and use that towel behind you. If you get out and there is stuff getting on the towel, get back in a rinse again," She says and we all laugh even though the idea wasn't that funny.

She continues to do mine and then I get in the shower too.

We check out and walk outside towards our cars.

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