Forgive and Forget

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"What's your name?" I ask the girl. Her long blonde hair flowing into her face but I take it and put it behind her ear.

"Um, M-My name is Alexandra, but my friends calls me Alex." She says and she starts to smile and look up at me.

"Well my name is Jenna, do you live near here?" I ask her as I look down the empty street to make sure cars aren't coming.

"Yea that's my house right there," She says as she turns around and points at the yellow house behind her.

"Why were you in the street?" I ask as she looks back over at me.

"I was just going to my neighbors house because they invited me over to swim, and no one ever drives on the street so I thought I would just run across and I didn't see your car coming and..." She stops and starts crying.

I reach over and hug her.

She rests her head on my shoulder and slowly starts to calm down.

"Are your parents home?" I ask.

She shakes her head no and then takes my hand in hers.

She pulls me across the street and back to where my car is and motions for me to sit on the curb and she sits next to me.

I realized that Sammy was still in the car but I saw his door open and he was moving around, I knew he was just trying not to get involved as I talked to Alex.

"Is that your friend?" She asks me as I was staring at Sammy.

"Yea, you can say that." I smile and look at her.

"Are you his girlfriend?" She asks with hope and curiosity in her eyes and her voice.

"Yea," I say and let out a slight giggle at her.

"Are you in love?" She continues to ask questions about Sammy and I.

"Yes," I simply respond and smile at the thought of our memories together.

"How did you meet?" She asks more and stares into my eyes.

I smile and look down at the ground to search my mind for distant memories however took me only moments to bring back the time we met and every detail about it.

"Well, I was at one of my high school football games..."


We all stood for the National Anthem and we looked out at all the football players. They all had their helmets off and all of a sudden, Izzy started nudging me. Being the respectful person I am, I kicked her to shut up. Of course she didn't listen.

"Jenna- look at number 17!" She stated loudly, embarrassing me slightly. I was pretty used to it by now though. So, my eyes glanced over to a guy with brown spiky hair. I don't know why he bothered to style it but I guess he had to look good for the stupid cheerleaders. He was pretty tall compared to the people around him and he was lean. "He's so cute oh my gosh!" Izzy squealed and I smirked. "I call dips you turd!!" I whispered with a grin. Izzy rolled her eyes and Kenny and Gilinsky chuckled at us because we were boy crazy. "Fine," Izzy huffed sarcastically and I turned back to the boy. Just as I looked at him he turned around and made eye contact with me. A goofy smile appeared on his face and I probably died inside. I quickly looked away, trying not to blush and Izzy nudged me, wiggling her eyebrows. "Fuck off," I said with a smile.

*End of flashback*

"So that was the first time you guys noticed each other?" She asks but before I could even answer she moves on to her next question. "Was it love at first sight? When was the first time you actually met and like talked? When did you start dating?" She asks and starts to lean in towards me as her excitement gets the best of her.

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