Bitter Sweet

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"Oh my god! What the hell was he thinking?" Kenny asks me as I look at them worried.

"It's so bitter sweet." Izzy says sadly.

"I enjoy his company and he's great but then other times he's this totally different person. Like he's using me even though we aren't having sex," I say desperate for answers and advice.

They look at me, just as confused as I am.

"I'm over exaggerating, aren't I?" I say pouting.

"No, not at all, " they simultaneously say.

We burst into laughter at their coincidence.

"See? This is what happy feels like." I pause and look down. "This is how I felt last night... Until he ruined it this morning," I said sourly.

We all hug it out and just agree on watching Netflix for the afternoon to get our minds off things.


I turn my phone on to check the time. 5:37. I notice I have two texts.

~text from jack~

I'm confused, usually jack texts Izzy, not me. But I respond with a simple 'hey what's up?😉' just to keep myself occupied.

~text from mom~
Where are you? Text me back soon.

~response from me~
*at Kenny's... not sure when I'm coming home yet sorry!❤️*

I click on the conversation I had with Sam. I look at it for a minute. I realize I don't want to have anything to do with him and delete the conversation. I turn my phone off and look over at Kenny. He's sound asleep in basket ball shorts and no shirt. He's actually not half bad of a guy, but he's more like my little brother, especially after everything with him and Izzy. I look away and look at Izzy who wears spandex and a t-shirt. Damn she loves those Nike pros.

I get up and walk into the kitchen. I see sticky notes sitting on the counter with a pen. I take it and write on two of them. I place one on Kenny's forehead and one on Izzy's forehead. they both read 'Left home... see you bitches later! -Jenna'.


I walk into my room and throw my phone onto my bed. I go into my closet and toss all my clothes into my hamper. I make my way to the bathroom and start the bathtub. I really just want a relaxing afternoon and to calm down a bit.


I check the time. 6:42.

I put on spandex and a t-shirt... oh no I'm becoming Izzy!! I laugh at myself and the thoughts that run through my head. I see a text from Jack come up.
*nothing really, wanna meet me and Johnson for dinner? it will be fun! and I'll make sure Marisa doesn't come so Johnson will have enough breath to actually talk to us.😂*

I laugh.

~response from me~
*okay fine... why not? where are we meeting?*

*ur place, downtown?*

*sure see you there at 7:15?*


I turn my phone off and rush for my closet. I put on printed leggings and a black tank top, with a black long cardigan.

I go to the bathroom and put my hair in a pony tail and spray down my bangs. I put on some concealer, a gold-brown smokey eye, and some mascara and go.


I get there and wave at my mom and dad and see Jack and Johnson in the back corner. I walk over and hug both of them.

We chit chat and have small talk and we order and have a few laughs. It goes by rather quick due to the fact that we were having a ton fun.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be back" I state as I stand up and walk to the only bathroom. I knock on the door. I don't hear anything for a few seconds and so I try to turn the door handle however it's locked.

"One minute!!!!" A man yells. He sounds young, and slightly familiar. I wait outside the bathroom door for another 3 minutes or so. When I hear the door open I begin to stand up straighter since it feels like I have been waiting forever. A young girl steps out and after her.


~Sam's POV~
I step out of the bathroom after having really, really, good head, if I say so myself.

I am shocked to see Jenna. What is she doing here?

"Hey," I say as I step to the side of the bathroom door. I'm happy to see her because, i simply like her, however, not like this, especially since I'm slightly aggravated by the way she reacted yesterday.

She rolls her eyes and looks at me as if I were an alien.

"I have nothing to fucking say to you. Who do think you are? How can you go off with another girl after we had such a good date, our relationship may me meaningless to you but you could have at least been honest with me!" She says clearly annoyed with me. "You know what? Whatever, fuck you!" She yells and she sticks up her middle finger then stomping into the bathroom and slamming the door.

"Fuck you too!!!!" I scream through the door.

I am surprised by her reaction. I didn't think what happened was so bad. I mean now I just made it worse but now that I think about it, it's almost like another type of person. A different species of female. She wants a relationship. A serious one, with trust and respect and someone who cares for her. I'm not a person who usually does things like that. She wants to take things slow and I just want to grab her and touch her and kiss her and be with her all the time but who am I kidding after this, who knows when she will ever talk to me again, if ever.

17 {Sam Wilk Fan Fiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora