Epiphany ∅

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Natasha was standing at the sniper's side, giving you information on command. You didn't have any view of what was going on, there wasn't even a lamppost. The base you were in did everything in total darkness. You had to trust Romanoff completely, as hard as that was, because she had the sniper with the heat vision.

"Turn and hide on your right, there's a guard coming." Natasha said to your command. But you didn't get this information.

'Your right there is a guard'

You stood there waiting to your right, but then you felt a shot graze your arm and a soldier shout. You reacted quickly, going towards the scream, you knocked the soldier to the ground and slammed your gun into his head leaving him blacked out.

"What the fuck Romanoff, give me the right fucking information!" You spoke through your teeth in your command.

"You should listen properly then Y/L/N". Natasha answered you the same way.

∅The trip in the quinjet had a tension in the air. The pilot flying along with Natasha seemed to hold his breath so as not to piss off the redhead, while you were making some sort of bandage to stop the bleeding from the gunshot wound to your arm and forearm where you had been stabbed.

You groaned in pain as you rubbed alcohol over your skin to remove anything that could make it worse. Natasha heard you and huffed, getting up from her command and walked over to you.

"You're doing it wrong." She said pulling you by the arm and leading you to a corner where it was more reserved in the quinjet.

She forced you to sit down, grabbed the things to do the dressing the right way. She was concentrated, and quiet. When she touched your skin, you felt a current of energy pass through your body. The touch of her fingers was delicate. She bandaged your arm, then your forearm. The pressure of the bandages on your wound was a bearable pain, but it was still painful.

"Mierda, hijo de puta, maldito sea lo creador de la arma." You said between your teeth. Seeing you cursing in Spanish made a heat rise through Natasha's body, who just bit her lip to hold back her laughter, but you noticed. "Are you find it funny, Romanoff?" You looked into her face, which was now laughing softly. "Oh, so you think it's funny." You stood up facing her and she looked you in the eye, taking a step back, she stopped laughing and now had a smile on her lips.

"I don't..." She lost her voice as she saw you move even closer, standing inches away from her.

You brought your hand around her waist, bringing her close to you. When your bodies met, Natasha let out a sigh and looked at your lips. You brought your face close to hers, bringing your lips very close to hers. Natasha's body seemed to catch fire with your movements, she could see the desire in your eyes.

"¿Qué pasó, Nat? ¿El gato te comió tu lengua?" You whispered under Natasha's lips and smiled as you felt her bring her body closer to yours. Her lips opened, but no sound came out. "Dime Nat, ¿Qué pasó, nena?" You then ran your tongue over Natasha's lower lip, who closed her eyes, letting out a low moan at your words and that short touch.

She grabbed the back of your neck and kissed you roughly. You both let out a moan, and you squeezed the woman's waist and guided her to the quinjet wall, holding her there. She ran a hand through your hair, pulling it gently. You moved your hand down to the woman's ass, giving it a squeeze.

"Agent Romanoff and Agent Y/L/N, we're arriving in five minutes." The pilot said over the command. You broke the kiss with a bite on her lower lip, pulling away from Natasha, who was breathless, making you smile.

Natasha then pulled herself together, walked past you and said close to your ear, making you shiver at the approach.

"My room, 20 minutes."

One-Shot ⚜  Natasha Romanoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now