All I Want Is You ⥀

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When you saw her, you wanted her all for yourself, but she could disarm you by just looking at you. She is how people saw her, a touch of sweetness and evil at the same time. It was very easy to fall under her spell, she was beautiful and could get the attention of anyone wherever she went. Nobody really knew what to do to attract Natasha, but you had something the others didn't: courage and good jokes. Well, not excellent but good enough to make her laugh.

"Don't waste your time, don't send flowers or anything. I don't want anything."

It didn't take long for her to change her mind.

You managed to get her to go on a date after convincing her that she wouldn't be missing out on anything, that she could have a great time or just pretend it never happened. And she had a good time. Realizing that Natasha was quiet, you did something intimate, a simple date where you could talk to each other only, without interruptions. That day was memorable for Natasha, because you didn't have to splash out money to get her attention. You were simply yourself.

Natasha was surprised at the feelings she began to have about you. She had never loved anyone before, maybe Yelena and Clint as sibling love, but she had never dared to relate to anyone. Yet you showed a love that was possible and hand carved, like a sculptor. She felt perfect in the midst of her own imperfection, you appreciated her every detail no matter how wrong it was. You were the only person who was completely honest with her, and listened to her when she needed to talk.

She appreciated all your efforts to love her, you didn't overstep her boundaries, you were just there. However, for Natasha, she wanted to hide your relationship. She didn't want anyone talking about you in the hallways, she just wanted to enjoy you in her own way. As much as she felt jealous to see the Shield agents all over you, she didn't want to mark territory. She knew you were hers.

However, everything changed when you were assigned to be captain of some agents on a rescue mission. The mission was supposed to happen in a short period of time, a week at the most, but something went wrong. A week and a half went by, and communications with your team was lost, Natasha noticed your absence, and blamed herself thinking that it might have been the goodbye you guys didn't have. The day you left, she didn't want to say goodbye because she knew you would be back soon. And she blamed herself for seeing in your eyes the sadness of the hug she denied you.

Fury organized a meeting, so that he could inform the Avengers of what had happened. Natasha felt completely lost, she managed to disguise it well, but inside she was in a pit of anxiety. She controlled her hands that were beginning to show signs that they were going to shake.

"Avengers." Fury initiated. "We've lost communication with Captain Y/L/N's Delta 26 team." When Fury opened a picture of you on the screen for the Avengers to see, Natasha felt her chest sink. "We will be sending Tony, Steve, Sam, and Wanda on this mission. You will go to the last known location of the team, to see if you can find any tracks."

"I want to go." Natasha interrupted Fury. Natasha felt her eyes burn, but she fought the strong urge to cry. She felt the walls of the meeting room shrink around her. She couldn't lose you, she needed you.

"Steve, you will lead the mission, along with Tony. We will accompany you through the..." Fury continued to speak, ignoring Natasha.

One-Shot ⚜  Natasha Romanoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now