So much ⥀

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The Red Room, didn't teach her about love and caring feelings, so when you came into Natasha's life, something changed inside her.

A/N: Based on the songs Mareado by Camilo and Tanto by Jesse y Joy.

The Red Room, didn't teach her about love and caring feelings, so when you came into Natasha's life, something changed inside her. You weren't just a flirtatious game, because when you flirted back, she got a little flustered, even if she managed to cover it up. Clint could tell, from the first moment, how moved Natasha was by you, but he, like the good friend he was, didn't force Natasha to say something she couldn't put into words.

Natasha turned into a mess when you invited her on some dates. It was nothing labeled, so she didn't know if it was something casual or something more. You kissed her only once, and it was at that moment that Natasha found herself in a dead end, was it a friend kiss? She felt her body burn when she was near you. She felt her heart racing so fast in her chest that it made her dizzy. Your eyes were like you were sucking all her energy and sinking her into an ocean of good feelings that she honestly wanted to learn how to describe.

Clint, Wanda, and Natasha were reviewing photos of the base they were investigating, when a feeling went through Natasha's body. She thought of you, and soon she felt her skin go cold, her hands trembling. Images of your smile and your gaze began to flood Natasha's head.

"That feeling, according to the Portuguese dictionary, is called 'Saudade'." Wanda said, catching Natasha's attention, who looked at her with a serious look. "I'm sorry, but it's impossible to concentrate with you thinking so loudly."

Clint looked at the girls confused, with an arched eyebrow he noticed Natasha sigh. She left the pictures on the table and ran her hand over her face.

"Something very strange is happening to me, I'm shaking like I've had a strong cup of coffee." Natasha said, still with her hand on her face. "Ever since the day of the kiss."

Clint then cracked a smile when he understood what this was all about. He too eventually dropped the pictures and looked at Natasha. He nudged Wanda on the arm, who dropped the photos as well, listening to Natasha.

"People are commenting that there is something wrong with me." Natasha continued, now removing the hand on her face, and she proceeded to look at a bracelet that adorned her arm. "I sometimes leave the house and forget the way back. Because I keep thinking about it." She ran her finger over the bracelet. "The night that we kissed, I really wanted to do that again."

Wanda, noticing the bracelet, didn't ask about it, just put her curiosity aside, so she could help her mentor.

"And why didn't you ask?" Wanda asked, making Natasha look at her and sigh.

"I've never experienced a night like that with anyone, the feeling. I get nervous, I don't know how to talk." Natasha said, trying to remain serious, but a smile escaped her side. "I feel the perfume everywhere, I get dizzy looking like I'm drunk and look, I haven't even been drinking." She let out a sarcastic laugh and threw her head back, trying to get the images of you out of her head. "I've seen all the tutorials and even attended like four motivational talks, I just can't get over what happened to me. It's stuck in my memory with duct tape." She looked at a dot on the ceiling, but somehow saw your eyes. "I feel full of adrenaline."

Clint let out a laugh, which made Natasha look at him with a questioning look.

"That, Nat, is called love." Clint said, putting his arms behind his head. "Or passion, it depends."

"Love is for children." She said, letting out a laugh. "Right?" She looked at Wanda, who denied it with her head.

"I think you know the truth, but you're hiding it behind something that deep down you no longer believe." Wanda said quietly, with a smile on her lips.

Clint leaned across the table, reaching for Natasha's hand, he held his friend's hand and cracked a smile. Natasha's eyes widened, and she let the realization run through her body, she felt tears in her eyes and opened a smile. Yes, she loved you.

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As much as Natasha understood that she loved you, she didn't know how to tell you. When she came back from the mission, she started to ignore you. She changed her daily schedules, just so she could not have contact with you. You were very confused but gave her the space she needed.

One day, when Natasha was still ignoring you, she saw you talking with Sharon. You were standing in the kitchen, both of you sitting on counter chairs. She had nothing against Sharon, but the way Sharon was touching your arm, where there was a scar, made her angry. Natasha walked past you and grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator. You tried to talk to her, but she kept ignoring you.

Sharon, realizing the heavy atmosphere, made an excuse of a meeting and decided to leave, leaving only you and Natasha in that kitchen. A place that seemed to shrink in size with every moment due to the tension that had built up.

"Will you talk to me, or will you remain ignoring me?" You spoke to her, who remained with her back to you.

"Why don't you go after Sharon?" she said, trying to hide the jealousy behind her voice.

"Because I want to talk to you." You said, getting up and walking over to where Natasha was standing. "Why are you avoiding me?" She didn't say anything, making you let out a frustrated sigh. "Nat, I know you're quiet, reserved, and you don't like to talk about your stuff, but I know we're past that, please talk to me."

Natasha was tired of her internal battle, she took a deep breath, and turned to you. When she looked into your eyes, she gave up holding her feelings to herself and decided to get it off her chest.

"Talking about feelings is not my thing, but I'll try." She said, setting the water bottle aside. "I'm reserved, don't take it personally, if I don't say anything, it's not intentional, it's just, how do I express something I can't explain?"

"I don't want to force you into anything, you don't have to say a thing that makes you uncomfortable." You said, bringing your hand to Natasha's face and caressing her cheek.

"Let me try, please." She said, closing her eyes, feeling your caress. "I don't know how to be cheesy, but I need to say it." She took a deep breath and looked you in the eyes. "I love you so much, so much that I feel dizzy. Dizzy from being so miserable when you're not with me." She confessed in one breath, feeling her chest ease with each word that came out of her own mouth. "I love you so much, so much that I don't know how to explain it, so much that it amazes me just thinking about it."

You had a smile that grew wider with each word, your eyes overflowing with joy. Not containing yourself, you held Natasha's face in your hands and brought your face closer, capturing her lips in yours. The kiss was soft, just the affirmation of unspoken words, and the confirmation Natasha needed. She held you close by the ribs and when the air was lacking between you, she rested her forehead against yours, taking a deep breath.

"I love you too." You said, still smiling. "So much." You confessed making Natasha laugh. "And to give you an idea of how much, just count all the stars in the universe and when you think you've come close add one more to the count."

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