What If? ↭

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What if the Observer took Natasha to a universe where she could find you? A love she lost to Ultron? A universe where you lost her to a Hydra attack?

The adrenaline in your body was keeping you at an acceleration you had never had in any other battle. You couldn't stop. Loki's army kept coming at every moment. Your suit couldn't take the fire coming from your arms, it was slowly dissolving. You, Carol and Sam were responsible for the air attacks around the base, while the rest of the team attacked on the ground.

The air was filled with smoke, your vision began to blur, so what you saw in sequence could certainly be an illusion in your head. You saw the person, whom you had dreams and nightmares about, attacking Loki and disabling his soldiers. Fury looked surprised as you did.

You flew to the base, a few meters away from it. Carol joined you, keeping a safe distance. Fury pointed at you, and when she turned around, her eyes widened. It was Natasha, but not your Natasha. You walked steps towards her, but something ached in your rib, and as you brought your hand to your side you noticed blood.

The adrenaline of the battle had worn off, your bruises began to ache, your vision darkened until your eyes gave out.

Your head relived that battle scene over and over again, until you and your body fought back. You opened your eyes and stood up breathless, trying to breathe as deeply as you could, your body aching more than usual. You looked around and noticed the Med bay doctor approaching and placing an injection into a bag that IVs connected to you.

"I am applying a painkiller to take away your pain, your healing power is running slow." The man said to you. "In a few hours, I believe you will be fine." The doctor walked away. "I'll let you rest."

You said nothing, just let out a sigh and laid your head on the pillow. Slowly, you felt the medicine spread through your body. Was the sight of Natasha a reverse effect? As if your head were trying to help you forget the pain?

Soft footsteps made you alert, but you kept your eyes closed. A smell already known to you entered your nostrils, your heart seemed to want to jump in your chest. What medicine had the doctor given you to give you such a vivid hallucination?

"Y/N?" The husky voice made you open your eyes, you looked at her. "Oh God."

She came over, sat down next to you on the gurney, and put her hand on your face. You didn't protest, you just closed your eyes, feeling her hand.

"Natasha." Your voice came out flawed, in your throat a lump formed.

You opened your eyes again, held her hand to your face. You sat up, standing facing her, now took your hand over her face.

"I am not your Natasha." She said in a sob, leaning into your touch.

"And I am not your Y/N." You replied.

You let the tears fall from your eyes, leaned in and hugged her. You didn't have much strength, so you just wrapped her in a cozy hug, a hug that conveyed longing. She responded to the hug carefully, knowing your pain. She laid her head on your neck and inhaled your scent.

The embrace lasted a long time, Natasha only pulled away to look into your face, looking at the changes, looking at the differences. You have done the same. You brought your hand up to her face again, this time removing the scrunch that was getting in the way of you looking into her eyes.

"How is that possible?" You asked.

"Long story." She replied laughing humorlessly.

"I love your stories." You said, and noticed that she moved her lips as if she knew what you were going to say.

"In short? I am a guardian of the multiverse." She said, expecting a negative reaction that obviously didn't come. "My universe no longer exists, so I came to one that needed me."

"Wow, guardian of the multiverse? And you once told me you didn't know your purpose in the world." You said, looking into her eyes and smiling.

You held her hand and intertwined your fingers. You noticed that she wore a ring like yours, a ring that you gave to your Natasha before you lost her. She noticed his gaze and wiped away a falling tear.

"You gave it to me during a ballet performance..."

"... Bolshoi, the first time I was in Russia." You added.

"I was cold..."

"... and I warmed you with my body."

She cracked a nostalgic smile, as if remembering the moment. Her eyes seemed vacant with the memory, until the smile faded, and she glanced at a spot on her neck. A tattoo.

"How did it happen?" she asked, referring to the death of your Natasha.

"Hydra set up a test base on mutants, we were going to get information and wait for reinforcements." You bowed your head, remembering the scenes that haunted you at night. "They had captured you..."

She brought her hand up to your face, seeking your gaze for it. You looked at her, and she caressed your cheek, she did this when you didn't need to share something that made you uncomfortable.

"In my universe, you died at Ultron's hands." She said, looking into your eyes. "From the moment I lost you, I promised that I would only rest when I wiped him out of existence."

You closed your eyes and rested your forehead against hers. You remember different events. This Natasha was not your Natasha, but she brought the same comfort.

"I'm afraid it's just a dream." You confessed, still with your eyes closed. "Even though you are not my Natasha, you are still her." You opened your eyes to flood into her greens. "This universe really needs you, I need you."

"I am not yours, and you are not mine..."

"But we could..."


One-Shot ⚜  Natasha Romanoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now