I Owe You ↺

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An alternative ending, one that Natasha deserved in Endgame.


Final part inspired by the song Te Debo por Dvicio.

Your relationship with Natasha was not public to all the avengers, only Clint and Wanda knew. Clint knew, because Natasha had told him during a mission. Wanda had caught you two in the act.

In front of the others, you tried to stay as far away as possible, it was all very casual, but within four walls it was different.

When she decided to join you and Steve in the escape after Germany, even after the incidents of the red room with her family, she didn't want to go public. Natasha was afraid that when people found out, they would get after you and leave you in danger. Even though you were a very powerful mutant, Alpha level, she was still afraid that you would get hurt by staying with her.

You never pushed her, you loved her too much, and you didn't want her to be afraid of your relationship. Just when everything seemed to be taking its course, the worst came: Thanos.

You remembered the battle, hearing Steve's desperate scream as Thor struck Thanos in the neck. You also remembered the desperation of Natasha screaming your name. Then it became strange, it became a void. A total blank.

When you came back it was already another battle, against Thanos again, but you didn't see Natasha anywhere. At the end of the battle, after Carol snapped her finger, you learned what had happened.

You created a hatred for Clint, he knew about your relationship, he knew that you intended to ask her to marry you, so you couldn't accept the fact that he let her jump for the soul stone. Deep down you understood, but Natasha was your only family.

You were a wreck in pieces and felt enraged when I asked you to accompany him when he returned the stones, you wouldn't travel, you would just wait for him to return.

Bucky looked thoughtful, while Sam talked to Banner. Steve and Bucky said their goodbyes, while the blond man gave you a smile. As he stepped onto the platform a strange feeling went through your body, was it as if your body was reacting to the worst or was it just one of your powers reacting to what might happen.

You tried to read Steve's mind, but there were only good memories in his head, there was nothing to prove what he was going to do or where she was going to return the stones. Something in you said that he was not coming back.

It was when he triggered the particles and traveled away, that the feeling in your body became more present. It was desperation.

"Okay, Banner, bring him back." Sam said, looking at the empty platform.

"I'm trying." Bruce shouted, pushing the buttons on the platform computer.

The seconds waited for Steve to come back passed, and he didn't come back. Around him the trees started to shake, your powers were uncontrollable, they had been like this since you found out about Natasha.

"Hey doll, take a deep breath, take it easy, otherwise you'll end up hurting all of us." Bucky said approaching, but you signaled with your hands that no.

You listened to Bucky, but you couldn't breathe. It was as if your body wouldn't let you. In a flash of light, your vision began to dim. You felt your power growing deeper inside you, but you couldn't control it. It was like a panic attack, but more dangerous.

Flashes of memory, of Natasha, began to appear in your mind. You remembered all the wish lists you had wanted to make with her, the ones you had left under your pillow on your last trip to Wakanda. You imagined all the trips you had taken together, even on the run, all the moments you had enjoyed together.

"Hey, moya lyubov."

You could be going crazy, you took several deep breaths again trying to get back to reality. Your hands were cold, and you were starting to tremble.

"Hey, look at me."

It was when you felt lips touch yours that you smelled her. A feeling of déjà vu passed through your body, your trembling hands trailed down to touch her soft skin. It was her, she was standing in front of you.

Slowly you pulled yourself together, your breathing and your senses returned to normal. You looked at her and noticed that time had passed. In those five years that you had been bliped, the marks of time had appeared on her. Her blond hair was now red with blond streaks. You could note that she had aged a little. You looked into her eyes and she was crying just as you were now too.

"Is that really you?"

"Yes, it's me"

You looked around and everyone was with a smile on their lip. Steve was in the back, next to Bucky, while Sam was next to Bruce. You looked at Natasha, and she smiled through her tears, held your face and kissed you again. This time more eagerly, as if she was trying to affirm all her feelings in one action.

You were cuddled with Natasha, on the sofa, for several hours now. Not a word was spoken, you wanted to enjoy the moment together. At no time you questioned her about anything, about any decision she had made.

You just stroked her back and her hair, while Natasha held you in her arms. At the same time, your heart seemed on the verge of an attack at any moment. It was as if he could not believe what was happening. Occasionally it would speed up and then slow down. Natasha listened to your heart still with a smile stamped on her lips.

"I didn't delete any messages, I thought I had lost you." Natasha said, breaking the silence. "I kept seeing your picture in the wallet, thinking about how to get you back."

"Nat..." You whispered, turning your face to look at her.

"Let me talk." She sat up and looked at you. "Y/N, there is such a percentage of you in my bones, I couldn't breathe, couldn't think. I needed you" Natasha felt your hand go to her face, wiping a tear from her cheek. "I missed your hand on my leg, when we traveled. I couldn't ride in the car."

"Nat..." You tried again.

"I know that if it were the other way around, you would miss me too."

You brought your hand to Natasha's cheek, leaned in and kissed her. Natasha sighed into the kiss and held your face close to hers. You just wanted to keep her still, so you ended the kiss with little kisses on her lips. Looking into her eyes, you said:

"I love you." You confessed. "You gave me life, and I am in debt." You kissed your forehead. "I owe you more nights by the sea." You kissed her left cheek. "I owe you the picture in Central Park." You kissed her right cheek. "I owe you, making you laugh non-stop." You kissed the tip of her nose. "I should dance with you in any bar." You kissed her cheese. "I owe it to you to tell you that there is no one to fill your absence. I'd rather sleep and feel you closer, and I'll still be in your debt." You kissed her lips. "Will you marry me, Natasha Alianova Romanoff?"

"I've waited five years for that." She cracked a wide smile and sat on your lap. "I love you and yes, I will marry you Y/N Y/L/N."

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