Truth Serum 〰

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Even with all of Natasha's experience, she hadn't seen that coming. The Hydra agent had shot her with Truth Serum when she least expected it. You only understood and noticed the difference when she hugged and kissed you in front of Tony and Steve.

You were not hiding your relationship, Natasha just left all physical touches and demonstration of affection, for inside the bedroom or when you were alone. She didn't like having anyone watching when she was being affectionate and vulnerable with you.

"What happened to her?" Steve asked.

"I believe she was injected with some serum, she keeps touching me and has had that smile on her face for a long time." You said, looking at your worried girlfriend.

"Banner, can you do anything from there?" Tony said flying the quinjet and making a video call with Bruce at the same time.

"Send me a sample of her blood test."

You took a blood sample from Natasha, without her contesting. She just held your face and gave you little kisses on your lips. You were enjoying it, this affectionate side of her in front of the others, but you were really worried.

"It really is a chemical reactant inside her, I just can't confirm at this exact moment what it is. It should take some time." Bruce said, catching your attention. "Do you guys think you can get here any faster?"

"Yeah, we're on our way."


The trip to the compound, Natasha did not leave your side, she kept kissing you and telling you how much she liked you. You were really enjoying that, but worry was taking over your body. As soon as the quinjet landed, Banner appeared. When you came down with Natasha on your lap, Banner gave a reassuring smile.

"So Banner, any update?"

"It's a truth serum." He said, approaching you. "It's nothing too serious. I couldn't find anything worrisome in Natasha's blood. She'll just need to sleep."

Without difficulty, you took her to your room. Once there, you laid her down on the bed, removed her suit, and wiped a small damp cloth over her body. You took a blouse from your closet and put it over her body.

"Wow, I really want to marry you." She let out, looking at you, still smiling.

Your heart jumped a little in your chest, and you tried to resist laughing.

"I want to marry you too, but you need to be perfectly sane to propose, don't you think?"

"I love you so much, you have no idea." She said sighing.

"I love you too, Nat." You positioned her better on the bed, but she huffed. "My love, you need to rest, this serum will make you say things you wouldn't say sober."

"You know what?" Natasha yawned. "We should get married as soon as I wake up."

"I will marry you, in any part of the world, as long as you are sane." You said, looking at your girlfriend's sleepy form.

She closed her eyes slowly, you kissed her forehead and sat down beside her.

One-Shot ⚜  Natasha Romanoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now