Chapter 10

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       Daniella leapt over the rubble as Lotus followed close behind. She could hear the people of the village screaming and running towards the Great Library on a parallel street. Daniella pulled her mask up over her nose as she neared the corner. She peered around the corner at the devastating scene in front of her. The wall had been blasted from the outside and standing in the hole was a creature as black as night. Smoke rose from it's form as it slowly let it's gaze sweep across the wreckage. Daniella leaned back from the corner and tried to think of a plan. She had not seen a demon like this one and she didn't know the best way to attack. She looked down at Lotus, who was standing right next to her legs.

"Do you have any ideas?" she whispered. Lotus looked up and shook her head.

"Awesome. Trial and error it is," Daniella mumbled to herself. She took a deep breath and rounded the corner.

      She watched the demon as she slowly walked into the demon's line of sight, keeping her staff at the ready. The demon turned and looked at her, growling. Daniella eyed it as she stopped in front of it. She held her staff in front of her and prepared herself.

"I don't know if you can understand me or not, but you are not welcome here. I am only going to ask you once to leave," Daniella declared as Lotus moved to stand behind Daniella, growing to her full height. The demon laughed.

"Young human, you are not in the position to make such demands. I will enjoy tearing you and your pet apart," the demon chuckled as it unsheathed it's claws.

"Fine then, fighting it is," Daniella said, twirling her staff in front of her.

      The demon to a few steps forward as Daniella did the same. Lotus growled, sinking her head low, preparing to strike. The demon smirked before launching itself towards Daniella. Both Daniella and Lotus moved to opposite sides, avoiding the attack. The smoke billowed off the demon's shoulders as it looked around for it's missing prey. Daniella watched as the smoke slowly dissipated off it's body. She backed up a step as the demon turned around for another attack. She narrowed her eyes as she prepared to dodge another attack. The demon flung itself at her in a rage as she successfully dodged another attack.

"You'll have to fight me soon enough little girl. You can't win a battle without dodging," the demon hissed, turning around. Lotus looked from the demon to Daniella, silently agreeing. There was no way to win without a fight.

"Dancing around the battlefield isn't going to make this guy go away," Lotus added.

"I know, I know," Daniella muttered, tightening her grip again.

"Just hit it!" Lotus urged, tripping the demon with her tail. Daniella lunged forwards and swung her staff towards the demon's chest. Daniella gasped as her staff went straight through the demon's form. She hit the ground, groaning as she rolled over to face her opponent.

"You really thought that the Staff of Light would touch me? You really are a fledgling, aren't you?" the demon asked as it's body slowly melded back together. Daniella took a quick glance at her staff before scrambling to get to her feet.

      She could feel her heart hammering in her chest as the demon continued to stalk forwards. She really thought that it would work, like the last demon that had attacked her. Daniella could feel her chest tightening with the anxiety of not winning. This was going to be the end of her. She was going to fail everyone. She leapt out of the path of the demon's claws, feeling them whiz past her face. Daniella backed away from her attacker, tripping on a brick that had been blown off the wall. She scrambled backwards, trying to put as much space between her and the demon as possible. Daniella was gasping for air as if she was drowning.

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