Chapter 16

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      Daniella's face lit up as her nose was hit with the comforting aroma of coffee beans being ground into a powder. Ozir was a couple of paces ahead of her, leading the small group to the counter where they were greeted by the shop keeper. After a friendly exchange, Ozir went straight to business.

"We are looking for coffee grounds for my friend Daniella here," she said, motioning towards Daniella.

"I see. All that saving requires caffeine I suppose," the shop keeper joked as he turned and walked over to the far side of the shelf. Daniella felt herself blush a little at the kindhearted jest. It was rare that someone acknowledged that she saved people, without being prompted at least.

"Here are the finest coffee grounds that I have for sale. We have these beans imported from the realm of Ninjago, if you've ever heard of it, and we crush them here in the back," the shop keeper lectured kindly as he placed the bag on the counter.

"I have heard of Ninjago, it is where I come from," Daniella answered as she reached into her bag. She had found a bag of coin the day before when she was digging for something else in her bag.

"Then this first bag of home is on the house," the shop keeper replied, pushing the bag towards the blonde.

"Oh no, I couldn't. Surely it cost money to import the beans, and I don't want to just take things from you. You work hard to run this business," Daniella rambled as she held the coin purse in her hands.

"Please, I insist. Think of it as a thank you present for saving us from that demon that attacked our village. Besides, if the people of the village see that you are drinking it, they are much more inclined to buy and drink it themselves," he added with a wink. Daniella blushed again as she gratefully took the bag from the counter.

"Alright, but you must let me pay you next time. For coffee and maybe some business lessons," Daniella insisted kindly.

"Business lessons you say? I may be able to give a couple. Now you girls run along, I'm sure you have other important business to attend to," he chuckled as he waved them goodbye. Ozir and Daniella waved back as they walked out the door.

"That was really kind of him," Daniella observed as the door closed.

"That is Johnathan. He is one of the village elders. He is a kind soul, and you won't meet anyone sweeter," Ozir replied as they made their way back through the village to The Library.

      The two girls carried on conversation about the villagers and the dynamics of the entire village. Before they knew it, they were standing in the banquet hall. Ozir blinked before coming to her senses.

"Oh my, I didn't mean to take up your time like that. It's so nice having someone I can talk to about everything," Ozir apologized.

"Please, it was my pleasure. Not going to lie, it was nice to talk to someone my age too. You can stay if you want. You can tell me more about the village and I can tell you anything you want to know about me. I'll even make you a cup of coffee if you want," Daniella offered, gesturing to the coffee machine. Ozir smiled as she nodded.

"Okay, but could I make some tea instead? Dreampyre's don't do well with coffee. It messes with our abilities sometimes," Ozir asked as she pulled out a chair for both herself and Daniella.

"Sure! I think I saw some tea leaves in the next room. And this machine can make hot water too for your leaves to steep! Let me go get you some. Do you have a preferred tea?" Daniella asked excitedly.

"Chamomile if you have any," Ozir replied as she slithered over to the machine.

"Chamomile, coming right up. And some mugs," Daniella grinned as she rushed to the next room over.

       Ozir watched the blonde go with a smile on her face. The Serpentine girl was happy that she had someone else that was interested in the same things that she was. It wasn't often that Ozir found someone that was truly interested in her village knowledge and her enthusiasm of the Great Library. Most girls in the village wanted that information to use to their own advantage. To move up the social ladder in the village. Who was single? Who had the most money? Who made the best dresses?

      Ozir felt her smile grow more as Daniella came bounding back into the room with mugs and tea. She was already spitting out more questions than Ozir could answer at once. She watched as Daniella flailed her hands as she talked and made both tea and coffee. Daniella handed Ozir her cup of tea as she turned and grabbed her coffee before sitting down in the chair next to her. Daniella only paused when she took a sip of her coffee. Ozir watched as her shoulders relaxed, knowing that Daniella was thinking about her home.

      It must have been hard on Daniella to get up and move from her home realm to this one. Especially with all the work that Daniella was destined to do. Ozir knew that there would be little time for Daniella to go back to Ninjago when there was so much to do here in The Library. But Ozir decided that there would be another time to bring that up. For now, Ozir was content with just talking with Daniella and answering all of her questions, while asking some of her own. 

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