Chapter 5

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"Your first lesson is how to control your powers," Lao Lao instructed from one side of a large dojo.

"I have control over my powers. I saved my father from the Overlord's possession. And I haven't hurt anyone on accident in a long time," Daniella retorted.

"Oh, my child, you have merely scratched the surface," the older woman tutted.

"Where have I heard that before?" Daniella muttered to herself, looking at the mats of the dojo. Lotus looked up at Daniella but said nothing.

"When you finish your training, you will have the tools to control each element individually. Each element has its own challenges that you will have to face," she continued.

"So, you aren't going to teach me how to fight?" Daniella asked, tightening her grip slightly on the staff.

"You already know how to fight. You know Spinjitzu, do you not?" Lao Lao asked with a smirk.

"Of course I do. Uncle Wu made sure that I learned everything that my brother did, and then some," the blond answered.

"Then I see no need to teach you how to fight. My job is to prepare you for what you will experience as the new Purple Ninja. You will have to use your powers a lot more than you did as a ninja in Ninjago. Your powers will protect you from demons and curses. You must also know the best way to defeat your enemy without causing a big scene."

"Right, work in the shadows. Like a ninja," Daniella sassed.

"This is no laughing matter. If others knew of your true potential and what you do, they would find a way to the Great Library and try to harness the dark powers that are locked away in these walls. Or worse, they would hunt you down and kill you," Lao Lao lectured.

"Kill me? But why?"

"The people are scared of what they do not understand. They believe that your death will keep them safe. I do not wish for you to join me so quickly." Daniella looked down in fear. Just what had fate gotten her into.

"But do not worry, I will teach you everything that I know. You will be safe with the knowledge that I bestow upon you. Now chin up, do you know what the first four elements are?"

"Fire, Ice, Lightning," Daniella paused, taking a shaky breath, "and.... Earth."

"Why do you hesitate? The powers of the Earth are strong. It is the ground beneath your feet, keeping you steady, like an anchor."

"It's not the Earth element that makes me hesitate; it is the one who masters the Earth."

"I do not understand. I thought you were close with the Master of Earth."

Lao Lao floated to her granddaughter and knelt before her to study her face. Daniella wouldn't meet her eye, telling the older woman that there was something amiss with their relationship.

"You were eager to begin this journey because you thought it would distract you from what you are feeling in here," the older woman pointed to Daniella's chest," aren't you?" The blond nodded in defeat. Her shoulders sagged as she took a ragged breath. Lotus gently crawled into Daniella's lap and nuzzled her chin.

"I thought that maybe if I left, I could forget. But I can't. Now you are saying that I will have to master the Earth. How can I do that without thinking about him?"

"I do not know. But I know that you must reign in your emotions or it will destroy you. Your powers are a raging beast, one who cannot be tamed when your emotions are tearing you apart. I know it is hard to deal with rejection, but you must find a way to get a hold of your emotions."

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