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Amelia's pov:
I recover consciousness and found Addie by my side 

-What happened?

-You passed out, did you sleep? Did you even eat?- I sigh and keep in silence- Amelia what's happening? It's a relapse?

-No! I swear is not!- I take a deep breath before telling her what happened- yesterday I skipped lunch cause when I had surgery and then I worried about someone and looked for her all afternoon and that's why I also skipped dinner and today... Well I had surgery again

-I'm bringing you something to eat and then you can tell me about that girl- she winks and leave my room 

I'm waiting for her when April walks into the room

-Hey!- she smile- Addison told me you didn't eat yesterday... You need to rest 

-Yeah I know, yesterday I was worried about her- she nods- have you seen her today?

-Who?- I raise my brow- oh Arizona... Noup

I know she's lying, April is a terrible liar, so I guess Arizona told her not to say a word
-She was here, didn't she?

-Who was here?- Addi says walking in the room again- Arizona? Omg she's the girl you were worried about?! 

-I have to go- April says and disappear

-So you're gonna tell me or not?

-Well when I arrived to Seattle, I met her and we spent the night together

-You guys slept together?!- she shake her hands- isn't she with Callie?

-No! They're divorced- Addie nods and I continued- we started hanging out and two days ago we went on a date and we left Sofia with Meredith 

-And...?- Addie's confused

-It seems like Callie got mad or something like that and now Arizona says her only priority should be her daughter 

-And she didn't want to continue seeing you- Addie finishes my idea in a sad voice and I nod- why don't you come with me? To LA- she sees I'm doubting- It won't be that long! Maybe a week, you need to forget and seeing her everyday won't help, you have a job there and our family is there tho

Addie is right and I need to get over Arizona, what do I have to lose?

-Ok, let's go!- she makes a kind of celebration

-We're leaving tomorrow!- I smile at her excitement 

We leave the hospital and go to Meredith's house to pack my things 

-Amelia!!! You're finally here!- Mer says walking into my room- Addison?! I didn't know you were here 

-Just for a case- Addie answers and make her way to hug Meredith 

-Why are you packing?!- she asks noticing my clothes all over my bed 

-I'm leaving!- I smile

-Amelia you can't leave! Look I'm sorry Callie found out but I swear- I cut her off

-First, stop repeating that and second I'm leaving for a week, maybe a little more but I'll come back

She calmes down and help me packed, the next day I say goodbye to the kids and go to the airport

Arizona's pov:
I arrive to the hospital and look for April, she never told me about how Amelia was doing, she was with Meredith on the nurse station 

-Hi!- I say to both of them- April can we talk?

-Sure- we walk to the cafeteria

-You didn't update me about Amelia 

-Yeah she's fine, she left yesterday  

-That's great, she's resting or she'll come to work normally? 

-She... She will rest a few days- I notice something strange but I ignore it and felt relieved Amelia is fine

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