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Amelia's pov:
I check on the patient, everything seems fine and he won't need surgery after all so I fill his expedient and prepare to leave until James appears 

-Amelia!- I turn around 

-Hey James- this is awkward 

-So...- he steps closer- we didn't finish our conversation this morning 

-Yeah, I guess everything is clear now, I'm not into you anymore 

-But we kissed- he gets closer and I try to step away 

-YOU kissed me- I correct him- I have someone else now 

-You're just saying this to reject me- he steps even closer and grabs my arm, I panic and look for somewhere I can go and locked myself 

-Hey babe!- I hear Zona and sigh in relief, my beautiful girl, James step away. Arizona gets closer and pecks mu lips softly putting her hand around my waist 

-Hi babe- I whispered, feeling safer with her 

-You must be James- she says- nice to meet you, thanks for replacing Charlotte today
-Is nothing- he says serious- and you are? 

-She's Dr. Robbins,my- I answer and made a pause

-I'm her girlfriend- she says smiling- if you excuse us, we have to leave 

James nods, obviously uncomfortable. Arizona puts her arm around my shoulders and we walk out of the hospital, I'm so grateful she appeared, James was being kinda weird and it scared me 

-You okay?- she asks concerned but I just nod 

-Thank you- I say softly, she strokes my arm and we make a pause to look at the sunset, we stay there for a moment and that's when I remember she referred at herself as my girlfriend so I decide to tease her 

-So girlfriend huh?- she looks at me confused at first but then she laughs 

-Well, I guess that was the best way to make sure he won't bother you anymore 

-Yeah... Thanks for that- I peck her lips putting my hand on her cheeks, and I keep like that appreciating her beautiful blue eyes

-But you know what?- I raised my eyebrows in signal for her to continue- I've been thinking about this and I like you Amelia Shepherd 

-And I like you too Arizona Robbins- We both smile 

-So...- she takes my hand in hers- Amelia Frances Shepherd do you want to be my girlfriend?- My face lights up and I jump into her arms

-Of course I want!!- I say smiling like some teenager in love, she giggles and kisses me

-I love you- She says nervous, is the first time we say that out loud 

-I love you too- I says and then I kiss her

We walk holding hands to Addie's house, everyone is still there to say goodbye since we're leaving tomorrow morning 

-Finally!- Charlotte says- So...did you make sure James knows?- Char says smirking
Arizona laughs before nodding and I'm a bit confused but don't say anything, I love they get along, Char is my best friend and sister and well Arizona is my girlfriend, it feels so good to call her my girlfriend 

-Well we have news- I say smiling, I look at Arizona and she nods- We're girlfriends now
Everyone cheers and congratulate us, after dinner everyone leaves 

-I love you, call me for your wedding- Cooper says winking and we laugh at Charlotte hitting him her handbag 

-Good bye lovebirds- Char says, then we head to bed, Arizona and I cuddle and soon fall asleep
Sorry it took this long but I'm back and I wanna know if you'd like this story to continue or end soon

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