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Amelia's pov:
It's been a week since I came to LA and I spend most of my time with Charlotte and Addie, a lot can happen in a few months

-So are you going to work?- Char asks sitting next to me on the sand 

-I don't know, I miss cutting tho but the practice is enough for now 

-Is really that or you don't wanna see James?- she laughs seeing my reaction 

-Also that, I left him without explanation 

-Yeah... He's pretty good, I don't think he hates you, maybe a little but...- I laugh

-Ok ok I'm going back- she celebrates and then we continue looking at the ocean, I can't say I don't miss Arizona because I do, I miss her more than anything but being here with my family makes me feel better. 

At the afternoon we go to the hospital and with my luck, of course I run into James 

-Amelia?- He says looking confused- what are you doing here? 

-I'm visiting my family... You know- he nods, it's weird to me having him in front of me and acting normal 

-So how have you been? We should go somewhere and catch up!- I'm really surprised he doesn't hate me, I fucking left him! 

-Sure- was all I manage to say before going to surgery 

Next day*
Arizona's pov:
I'm laying in bed when someone knock at the door, today is my day off so I think it could be April wanting to hang out

-April I...- it's not her- Callie? 

-Hey Arizona, mmm can we talk please? 

-I'm busy- I say closing the door but she stops me 

-Just listen to me please, then you can hate me all you want- I sigh but listen- you were right, I was selfish , I thought about my happiness but not yours. These past week you were so sad and it's all my fault, Sofia told me you've been crying every night

-Callie you don't need to- she cut me off

-Arizona, I'm sorry. You deserve to be happy too, you have the absolutely right to move on and be happy so- she gives me a sober- I asked Alex where she is, he told me she is with Addison in LA so I bought you this ticket- I start crying and hug Callie 

-Thank you Callie! This means so much to me! 

-Now go and get your girl- she smiles and I run upstairs to grab my documents, my flight is in a few hours so I hurry up and drive to the airport  

When I get to LA I call Bailey and ask her for the practice's address since she was here a few years ago, when I get there I can't find Amelia

-Hello! Are you looking for someone in specific?- An tall handsome man asks me, I doubt about telling him- I'm doctor Jake

-Nice to meet you- I shake his hand- I'm looking for doctor Shepherd

-Oh Amelia! She's not here right now but you can leave her a message- I shake my head no 

-I'd prefer to talk to her in person, do you know where I can find her?

-Sure, she's at st. Ambrose hospital- he gives the exact address and I make my way to find her

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