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Amelia's pov:
I finish dressing and get a video call, is Addie

-Hey Addie!- I smile softly

-Amelia look at you! You look amazing!!- she smiles with tears in her eyes

-Thank you, I wish you were here guys

-But we are- she says, the door opens and her and all my LA family walks in

-OMG! You're all crazy!!!- I hug them

-We couldn't miss your wedding honey- Char says wiping my tears

-So I thought- Sheldon says walking next o me- I could take you to the altar- I nod smiling

-Ok so we'll be waiting for you- Addie says and they leave the room

Sheldon help me get to the cafeteria and we start walking to the altar, all my friends are here, Cooper taking as much pictures as he can and Bailey waiting there

-I love you Amelia, I'm so happy for you- Sheldon says leaving me at the altar then is the turn of Arizona to walk in

Arizona walks with Alex by her side, my goodness she looks stunning, every part of this woman is just perfect

-I'm happy for you guys- Alex says leaving Arizona, she smiles showing her dimples abd I tears start forming in my eyes

-Hey hey my love- she says grabbing my face- today is full of happiness, ok?

-Yeah- I smile and wipe my tears

After that, the ceremony starts and I get lost on how beautiful Arizona is until I hear Bailey asking

-Amelia Frances Shepherd do you accept Arizona Robbins as your wife?

-I do- I say looking at Zona- I absolutely do

-And Arizona Robbins do you accept Amelia Shepherd as...

-Yes! Yes I do!!!- she says before Bailey finished and I giggle

-Well, then I declare you wife and wife- I kiss her softly and everyone cheers

We have a kind of party, all our friends are dancing and singing and I feel happy, Arizona is not alone, she has all of them

I stop thinking and start enjoying cause it's my wedding! I married the girl I love

-I love Arizona Robbins!!!- I yell and she laughs- I love you- I say to her more softly and kiss her

Two days later*
Arizona's pov:
-It's 5:30- Alex says but I ignore him- Arizona, you know she wanted this

-No!- I say crying- I'm not ready!! I can't let her go!!!

-It's okay- Alex says hugging me- she knew it, that's why she left legal power to April

-And that was so stupid from her!- I yell- I love her...

-And that's why you should let her go, you know being connected to all of this machines isn't life

I fell to the ground crying, the love of my life is about to leave, her heart will stop, I'll not hear her laughing anymore, I'll not look at those lovely ocean eyes anymore...

-I need time... With her- I whisper

-You have until 6- Alex says softly and I nod

I sit next to her and take her hand in mine hoping she would wake up

-Amelia... My love... Why are you leaving me?  I can't do this on my own baby please- she doesn't react of course but I still have hope

After half hour of holding her hand and resting my head on her lap April, Richard and Alex walk into the room

-It's already 6pm?- I say softly and Bailey nods, Alex hugs me as we stand next to the hospital bed

Webber starts disconnecting all the machines asking April as she has the legal power, I cry again as I see my wife losing her life machine by machine...

They end and Amelia releases one last breath, I run to her and hug her body

-You're my wife, Amelia... I'll always love you-  I whisper hoping she can hear me

-She left something for you- Webber says taking a envelope- she really loved you Arizona and she wanted to enjoy her last days with you

I left without a word, I drive to the beach and sit there to read her last letter

Hi my lovely Arizona:
I know this is unfair and maybe a little coward from me but it's never easy to tell your wife that you're dying, I wanted to enjoy my last days with you, because you, Arizona Robbins, are the reason of my happiness.

You arrive to my life and changed it completely, with your magic smile and those cute dimples, your cuteness in every situation, your way of treating Sofia, all of that made fall in love with you and dreamed with a life with you and I'm so glad I got that... Cause yeah I spend the rest of my life with you

However you're young, beautiful and you're alive! You have to continue with your life my love, don't make this change you. Maybe you'll miss me for some time but don't ever lose that shine that makes you unique and you.

I am with you, I will always be... Taking care of you and Sofia. I'll be by your side in every step you take, be happy in this life and we'll find each other on the next life cause one is not enough to love you as I want to.

I love you forever blondie


I finish reading the letter and hold it close to my chest

-I love you too Amelia Shepherd

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