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A year later:
Arizona's pov:

I buy her favorite flowers and start driving, it's been a year... A lot of things can happen in a year. I arrive and start walking in her direction

-Hi my love- I smile softly- I bought you flowers, I know you love them...

I take a sit resting my body on her grave

-Happy anniversary Amelia- A tear rolling down my cheek- I know you're here with me, I miss you so much babe...

-We know we would find you here!- Suddenly Charlotte and Addie appear

-What happened?- I ask confused, since Amelia's death they moved to Seattle

-We just want you to come over tonight, dinner maybe?- Char says- I know these days are kinda difficult for you

-Thanks but you don't have to do that- I whisper- I know you loved Amelia and...

-Of course we have to do that- Addie says holding me by my arms- you're family too Arizona, we're not leaving you alone in this!

I smile and hug them, Amelia knew, she didn't leave me alone, she knew I'd have a whole system support, a family.

30 years later:
-And that's how it ends- I say softly almost crying- but I know she's still with me, at least one part of her

-So you never fell for someone else?- my gorgeous grandchild asks surprised and I shake my head no

-She told me to go on in life, to find someone and to be happy but... I couldn't- I look at my ring, I still wear it after all these years, if someone asks I'm married to the most amazing woman in earth

-That's...- she tries to find a word to describe the situation

-Crazy?- I ask giggling

-No! It's special, the love you had... That's the real love story, one that even death can't destroy

-Frances!!! Mom!!! Dinner is ready!- Sofia yells from the kitchen

-We're coming!!- I yell and start walking


-Yes sweetie?- I ask knowing what's coming

-My name? It's for grandma Amelia?- She called her grandma... I hug her and start crying

-Yes... Sofia loved Amelia so she wanted to name you after her

-I think I love my name even more- she smiles and I giggle at her cuteness

-Of course you do...- we walk to the kitchen and Sofia had everything ready

-There you are- she says smiling- mom, auntie Charlotte called and she wants us to spend the weekend with her and auntie Addie, a trip to LA actually- I nod

-I'd love to! But first I have to go to the graveyard

-Grandma can I go with you?!- Frances asks making a puppy face- please!!!

-She's just like you!- I tell Sofia laughing- of course we can go together

After packing our things, Frances and I go to the graveyard

-Hi my love- I smile and leave the flowers- someone came to visit- I say looking at my grandchild

France's pov:
I walk to her grave

"Amelia Frances Shepherd"

-Hi grandma, it's nice to be here... I wish I could've meet you but you know...

By the corner of my eye, I see my grandma crying

-I'm sorry- she says- we need water- and she walks away

-I know you can hear me- I say softly- I have your name so you were damn special them, I know you never meant to leave her but you also make sure she was not alone and you were right, she's not... You guys had the best love story ever! I hope to find someone who loves me as you two loved each other

I sit next to her grave- don't worry, we're taking good care of her

I see my grandma coming back and I run to help her

Arizona's pov:
After hours we finally arrive to LA

-I'm taking a walk!!!- I yell leaving the house

-Don't be late for dinner!!- Char says and I nod

I walk for like an hour, not knowing where to go, I arrive to a very familiar place

-Remeber- I say more to myself- here's where I asked you to be my girlfriend... I was so glad you accepted

I decide to sit there and appreciate the sunset

-I love you Amelia Frances Shepherd, I always will and I know we'll meet again...

The end

So this is the end, I had troubles choosing an ending for this story but I hope you like it! Sorry I couldn't make it longer or update as much as I used to but I enjoyed writing this, love you all!

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