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Amelia's pov:
Next day we go straight to the mall, I already booked my flight for today but first... The ring, I know Zona has one but I want one for her as well

-Any ideas?- Char says looking at Pinterest for some ideas

-Noup- I look at the shop window

-Then how are you gonna buy it if you don't even know what you're looking for?- she hits my head playfully

-I'll know when I see it- I smile and she roll her eyes

-Let's take a look in here then- she says walking into the store

We already visit three stores and nothing convinces me

-Come on! There has to be something you like- Char says showing me more rings

-I know but I want something special- I pout

-I may have something for you- suddenly the seller says and we look at her expectantly, she brings a little box and shows us the ring

-This is the one!- I yell- I could kiss you on the mouth but my future wife will kill me

They laugh and we buy the ring, after that we take lunch and Char drives me to the airport

-Thank you Char- I hug her

-You're welcome and... See you at your wedding- she says smiling

We say goodbye and I go to the departure lounge

Arizona's pov:
I'm worried about Amelia, I asked Meredith and she said Amelia never arrived home yesterday... I wanna call her just to make sure she's okay but I wanna give her space at the same time

Suddenly I get a call, I reach my phone and it's Amelia

-Amelia? Are you okay?

-Yes yes! I'm fine... Listen I'm sorry for leaving but I'm coming today

-What do you mean with coming today?- I ask confused

-I'm at LA, waiting for my flight right now actually, but that's not the point

-What are you doing in LA?! Something happened to your family?!

-No! God no! I'm explaining everything tonight okay? Just wait for me...

-Okay... I lo... I'll wait

She hangs the phone and I'm relieved she's fine. I finish my lunch and get ready for my surgery

-Robbins...- Karev says when I walk into the OR, he clearly wanna know what happened with Amelia

-She scared... And now she's in LA, probably boarding by now- I say a little too fast

-LA? She run away?- Alex says confused

-Yes? No? She needed time okay?- I sigh- but she called me, she was waiting her flight to come to Seattle

-And she call you for...?

-She wants to talk with me tonight

-I hope everything goes fine, you two are a good couple- he smiles softly and we continue working

After a couple of hours we finish the surgery successfully, Alex left before due to an emergency with his patient so I made the last part by my own. I'm scrubbing out when Alex walks into the room

-What's wrong?- I say noticing he's nervous

-Come with me- he says taking my hand- I need you to keep calm

-You're scaring me, what happened? Is Sofia okay?!

-Sofia is fine- he drives me to a conference room- there was an accident... A plane coming from LA...- I watch him continue talking but I can't hear anymore


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