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Amelia's pov:
Today they called me earlier than usual due to an emergency, I'm finishing my surgery by now and then I'm planning to go to Addie's house and maybe sleep a while. I get out of the OR and head to the reception

-Early call?- James asks standing next to me filling some expedients
-Yes- I sigh- I'm exhausted 

-We can go somewhere to eat- he smiles 

-How's that you don't hate me?!- I ask serious- I left you, I mean
-Yes, you left me. I know you were scared and maybe we went to fast but I still love you Amelia- I'm shocked 

-What...?- I can't even speak

-I still love you- he steps closer- I never stopped loving you 

-But it's been months, I moved on

-I know you still love me- he smiles- deeply inside you do

-What if I left you because I don't?- I'm serious now, I don't love him anymore

-Are you sure?- he grabs my chin and pull me for a kiss 

Arizona's pov:
I arrive to the hospital and go straight to the reception, that's when I see Amelia kissing some guy, a doctor I guess. I freeze and stand there while tears fill my eyes 

-Arizona?- I hear Addison coming in my direction, in that moment Amelia pulls apart and looks at me

-I have to go- I whisper to Addie and run outside the hospital

-Arizona wait!- I hear Amelia yelling behind me so I walk faster 

-Leave me alone!- she runs and grabs my arm making me stop 

-Please listen...- she holds me tighter 

-You don't have to explain anything- I say sobbing- I left you so...  

-I don't care, please Arizona- I get away from her looking for a taxi to drive me to the airport

-Do you like him?- I ask while I try to hold my tears and walk far from her but she runs and hugs me 

-No, I swear I don't- I try to get out of her hug but she holds me tighter- I'm not letting you go until you listen to me 

I sigh and stop fighting, she still holds me while we walk back to the hospital and she pulls me inside a room. I sit on the bed and she kneeles in front of me 

-What you saw... You misunderstood that, he kissed me but I don't like him, I swear- she kisses my hand softly- I like you and only you 

-You do?- I smile weakly 

-Of course dummy- She caresses my cheeks- don't ever! Ever doubt about it, ok?
I nod and hold her hands, nad she sits next to me

-I'm sorry I left you, I thought Callie was right but I didn't think about my happiness and I'm happy with you

-Hey! It's okay, you did it for your daughter

-But still- I say now sobbing again 

-Arizona, we like each other and right now there's no reason for us to stop what we feel for each other and that is the only thing that matters to me- she pecks my lips- I'll never keep you apart from your child, I love Sofia too and I love spending time with her 

-We're making this work- I smile and kiss her softly 

-Yes, we are- she puts her forehead against mine and we keep like that for a moment
Happy Grey's and station 19 day! <3

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