Chapter 13: Snowed In

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Ellie’s POV

“Miss Laversi?” I heard someone call over my laughter with Niall. I caught my breath, the smile still lingering on my face as I turned around to see the familiar nurse that normally took care of my Dad when he was here. She was standing in the door way of the waiting room, clutching her clipboard between her side and the inside of her arm as she eyed Niall and I curiously.

“Ellie,” she called again, knowing I preferred to be called by my first name and at the fact that I still hadn’t moved. “Can I speak to you please?”

I swallowed and nodded, my smile now dropping off my face, now remembering once again of why I was really here. Niall really had been a good distraction. He just gave me a reassuring nod, talking my phone out of my hand as I stood up and dropped the earbud that I was listening to my music from. I made my way over to the nurse, Denise was her name, and gave her a small smile.

“What do you need?” I asked heaving a sigh. She looked down at the clipboard in her hand, beginning to shuffle through the pages, analyzing them briefly. She knew that I was the only one my Dad really had left, and therefore, despite my young age, I was the one taking care of him and receiving all of the important updates from the doctors. I can tell by the way all of the staff looks at me that they felt bad for me. I was only seventeen and I was now trying desperately to take care of my father, the only one left in my family, as he slowly slipped away. I swallowed, catching the receptionist, who was at the desk, looking at me with the familiar look of pity.

I hated it.

“Umm your father’s treatment is over for the day. I just came to tell you the changes I found.” She said, her voice soft and caring, I nodded stiffly, praying in my head that any changes she was talking about in his condition were positive. She took a deep breath and dropped her arms back down to her side, looking up at me. I clenched my jaw a bit at the look in her eyes. It wasn’t good.

“We started a more intense treatment plan because it was having no effect on the cancer previously. When he was examined him today found that the cancer has in fact spread to the stomach.” She told me swiftly, definitely just wanting to get past the bad news first. I swallowed a sob and bit my lip, desperately trying to hold in the tears that were now welling up in my stinging eyes. I remained silent and she took that as a sign to continue talking.

“Hopefully the new chemo plan will slow down its advancements, but right now he his body is having a hard time adjusting. He’s going to feel sicker than usual and very worn out, so I recommend taking him home and making sure he gets some rest, okay?”

“Okay,” I mumbled hoarsely. A brief silence fell over us as I stared down at the floor trying to calm myself down, but not wanting to move.

“Who’s the boy over there that you were just with?” she asked me, peering over my shoulder at Niall who was still on my phone, both of my earbuds now in his ear as he was obviously shuffling through my music. I smiled a bit. That’s right Horan, my music is amazing.

“That’s Niall. He came with me so I didn’t have to be alone while Dad was getting his treatment.” I responded with a quiet voice.

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