Chapter 1: Empty Inside

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Ellie’s POV

“Elizabeth!” I heard my father’s call as I bolted out the door. I didn’t stop to turn back and talk to him. I couldn’t face him. I couldn’t do this again. I was going to be gone before he could.

I was earning myself strange stares as I made my through the streets, tears pouring out of my eyes. I couldn’t feel my feet and I ignored my burning chest. It wasn’t going to matter anyway. It wasn’t going to matter.

Don’t be selfish. He needs you. Don’t leave him alone. That dumb ass voice in the back of my head scolded me. Yeah he needs me. I don’t think you need help to die. He was just going to end up leaving me alone anyway.

Someone grabbed my wrist to stop me from running.

“What the hell is wrong with you girl?” This blonde chick asked me, giving me a look suggesting I was crazy. I had never met her in my life, why does she care?

“Let go of me.” I said and yanked my arm away. She wasn’t going to stop me. No one was going to stop me. I pushed past the girl and kept running. I didn’t know where I was going or how I was going to do it. I was just going to run until I found my chance.

I tripped on the sidewalk and fell face first into the ground. It was painful, trust me, but I didn’t care. I hadn’t done what I had to do yet.

I rolled over to see a few people looking down at me, concern and confusion written on their faces. They didn’t know. They didn’t understand.

Without saying a word I picked myself up and continued to run. I didn’t live in a crowded city, but for some reason the streets of my town seemed to be bustling with people today.

I stopped short in front of a busy intersection. At this point the tears had stopped flowing, but my cheeks were still damp and sticky. I just felt hollow on the inside. There was nothing left to keep me going.

First Mom.

Then Derek.

Now Dad.

There was nothing left.

I had no regrets. I wasn’t staying here to be alone. I was going to be where my whole family was.

I snapped out from my thoughts and looked around. There were a few people around me, but I didn’t care. I looked in front of me and saw that traffic was moving fast. I wiped the tears from my eyes and took a long breath, starting to walk forward towards the street. All I had to do was take… a few steps…

I heard gasps as the car I was planning to have hit me came speeding down the street towards me. People all around me murmured and covered their mouths in shock when they realized what I was doing. It all seemed to go in slow motion. It had been less than a second, but it felt like decades. People stared and shouted, but no one made a move to stop me because they didn’t really care. I was a stranger on the street. Why would they care? Why would anyone care? No one did, which made it all the more easier.

“No!” a particular shout rang out in my head. Time immediately returned to normal. I was right in front of the car which was only meters away and traveling at a fatal speed. This was it.

But before the car could end my life, something wrapped around my waist, pulling me backwards. I heard the horn go off as the car whizzed past me, the wind it created blowing my hair across my face.

“What were you thinking?!” A voice from right behind me asked. I turned around and saw a man with his hood up and shades on his face looking down at me, his hand holding onto my wrist securely.

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