Chapter 2: Settle Down

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Ellie’s POV

I walked with Niall down the street. I still felt numb; I couldn’t feel my feet as they touched the dirty sidewalk with each step. I couldn’t feel the cool fall air as it entered my chest. The only thing I could feel was the slow beating of my heart. I felt it knocking against the inside of my chest and I heard it echoing in my head.




It was scary how it sounded. It consumed my senses; I couldn’t focus on anything else except for the thumping of my heart. It was just further proof that I was living. I was living while everyone else was dead or dying.

I became increasingly more aware of how Niall turned around every few seconds to makes sure I was still there. He really didn’t trust me. He only walked ahead a few steps before stopping to make sure I hadn’t leapt out in front of a bus or something. He would stop and wait for me to catch up, not once hinting that he was getting impatient with me. I guess I was thankful, but I still wasn’t really sure if I still wanted to be here right now. I was still lost in my own little world, not feeling like I was totally there at this point. But I did appreciate his patience with me.

“Okay follow me.” Niall broke the silence, making me jump slightly. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down a small alley way. I became nervous wondering where we were going. I knew this must be the hotel he was talking about staying at right next to us, so why didn’t we just go inside?

“Uh, where are we going?” My voice was frail, but I didn’t care.

“Just going in a different entrance.” He shrugged his shoulders as if it was nothing and let go of my arm. I rubbed my hand over where his grip had been on my arm, feeling nervous about his newfound short cut. There was something peculiar here.

“I didn’t know there was a different entrance…” I mumbled suspiciously. I knew this town pretty well and most of the buildings and businesses here and the way they worked. I had been to this hotel before and I knew of only one entrance.

“It’s the back entrance… it’s quicker is all.” He shrugged again sounding a bit unsure of his words. I just let out a breath. So what if this is all a plan to hurt me. Isn’t that what I was trying to do in the first place? I shouldn’t be so concerned.

I stopped asking questions and continued to follow quietly. Soon enough we turned a corner and came upon an old looking metal staircase that led up to a door that looked like it was a fire exit or something.

Niall stopped and pulled out his phone and dialed a number in quickly. He took a few steps away from me and started to mumble to the person on the other end of his phone call. I crossed my arms over my chest and stood there staring at the floor, waiting for Niall to return. Why he had to make a phone call right this minute I didn’t understand.

“Sorry bout that love, come on.” Niall said and coming back over to me. We walked up towards the door which swung open right as we made it up to it. I jumped, startled, and looked up to see a man standing there. He looked past Niall and eyed me curiously. I looked down, feeling awkward as he examined me. I was still a wreck and I knew this.

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