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Friends. He had a friend. His name was Geoffrey. Geoff Wigington. And he had the most beautiful brown hair. It was always flipped to the side, he looked like a puppy. His friend had a few piercings, eyebrow, lip, nose, and bridge. Geoff wore chains and black shirts with just jeans, it was simple, but he lived for it. Did he mention that his friend had beautiful blue eyes? His friend also had tattoos, somehow. He wasn't legally allowed to, but he managed his way around it just like always. Silly Geoff. Then there was him. Awsten, who was such a loser. And the total opposite from his friend. No piercings, no tattoos, short blue hair, pink things... had boobs? He was nothing like his friend. Awsten also wasn't... a man? He was non binary, but liked he/him pronouns and occasionally she/her. Geoff also liked Slipknot things like that while Awsten listened to Lofi, classical, Arianna Grande or Lady Gaga. Geoff didn't do his homework, Awsten did his homework...and Geoff's homework. He wrote all of Geoff's essays and presentations, Geoff would come over to practice what to say the night before. Awsten also believe in God, whilst Geoff was not in favor of christians except for Awsten who Geoff had named 'the only good one'. Awsten wasn't an insane one, he didn't go to church every sunday. Only occasionally. Maybe the reason Awsten was so attracted to Geoff was because of his rebellion. Or maybe how hot he was.

Awsten looked over at Geoff, he was sitting on the boys bed a computer on his lap watching Geoff drum a long to whatever song was playing.

"Geoff..?" Awsten's voice was soft, you could barely hear it over the music.

"Geoff!" Awsten spoke louder this time catching Geoff's attention. He turned down the volume on the record player, looking at Awsten with his extremely blue eyes.

"Can we listen to...calmer music?" Awsten bit at his lip, "like.. what about... Uhm... we can put something quiet?"

"C'mon, Awsten. Not everything is unicorns and rainbows." Geoff raised his eyebrows. Awsten should've known better rather than to mess with Geoff's music. He heard the door click open, a familiar head popping in,

"Door open Geoff." she stepped into the room, he arms crossed.

"C'mon mom! It's just Aws!" Geoff huffed, giving her an angry glare.

"Geoff." His mom warned, but Geoff's mouth still hung open.

"Mom. You know I don't like Aws like that and that she doesn't like me like that." Geoff groaned. There it was. Geoff didn't like him like that.

"Door stays open." His mom said before leaving down the stairs. Geoff got back up and gently closed the door.

"But your mom-" Awsten was quickly cut off by Geoff,

"I didn't hear what she said." Geoff smiled and sat back down on the bed. Awsten sighed and shook his head before dipping back into the essay he was writing for Geoff.

"You coming over tomorrow?" Geoff asked, laying down on his bed. His head was right behind Awsten's butt.

"Yeah, but I can't sleep over. I've got church the morning after." Awsten continued to type away at the keyboard as he spoke.

"Can I come?" Geoff said, Awsten shut the Chromebook and put in on the ground before turning towards towards him.

"Are you going to kill yourself?" Awsten whisper yelled. Geoff kind of sat up, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm joking. Why?" Awsten turned around sitting criss cross. He loved moments like this. It was a great visual.

"I don't know, I want to see what it's like." Geoff shrugged.

"Last time you went, you got mad at the priest and said the choir sucked." Awsten smiled, he wondered if Geoff liked his smile like he loved Geoffs.

"I've changed." Geoff defended himself, letting out a little smile.

"Sure you have." Awsten rolled his eyes. Geoff huffed and gently slapped a pillow against his face.

"Hey!" Awsten laughed.

"Just let me come please!" Geoff begged and pouted. He crossed his arms.

"Fine, but no cursing out the priest." Awsten booped his nose making Geoff scrunch up his nose and turn his face away.

"You're so weird." Geoff sighed.

"You have a hotdog tattoo!" Awsten pointed at the tattoo in the inside of his forearm.

"My hotdog tattoo is fucking amazing for your information and you dress like a cat." Geoff pushed back at him.

"How do I dress like a cat?!" Awsten's face tightened up.

"You wear so much pink like too much pink. You look like cotton candy." Geoff let out a chuckle. He always teased Awsten and she hated teasing.

"Well- Well you look like the devil!" Awsten's eyebrows knitted together, a frown on his face.

"Aws, c'mon. Would I be friends with you if I really thought you dressed stupid?" Geoff full set up criss cross in front of Awsten, subconsciously beginning to play with his nose ring.

"Yes because you would pity me." Awsten forgot to mention he was also very sensitive and barely understood the meaning between a joke and something serious however Geoff also teased him, which never helped.

"Are you okay?" Geoff asked pulling himself next to Awsten and putting a hand on her back. Awsten nodded, he hated being so sensitive to these things.

"I'm sorry." Geoff pursed his lips together, taking a deep breath through his nose.

"It's okay." Awsten played with her sock, frowning.

"How about you sleep over tonight? Text your mom. You can take the bed, we can go get diner tomorrow morning." Geoff smiled reassuringly. Awsten nodded,

"Can you text her?" Awsten was already handing him her phone, watching him take it.

"Goodnight Aws." Geoff left the room. It was normal that this would happen, he also usually wore Geoff's clothes to bed when he stayed over. Geoff stayed on the couch, he wished Geoff would stay up there with him while he cuddled into Geoff's bigger body, but sadly that's not how it worked. And it was another night sleeping in Geoffrey's bed alone.

confessions -gawstenWhere stories live. Discover now