Geoff's Fate

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TW rape ment + a making out scene that gets a little heated

Awsten looked up at the presence he felt next to him, tears still stormed down his face. For the first time ever, Geoff was crying. Really crying. He felt horrible.

"I thought you ran away and-and I don't know.. Fuck Awsten!" Geoff yelled making Awsten let out a hard sob.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry... I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself because I shouldn't have fucking- touched you like that oh my god! I'm so sorry, that must've made you so uncomfortable. I thought you were into it even though I should've known that it's against your stupid- God things." Geoff put his head in his hands and sat next to him.

"I'm not into you like that, I don't know what happened. I think I just wanted to look cool in front of them." Geoff took a shakey breath, "do you still need wanna come over?" Poor Geoff would never understand that Awsten did like it, it was just something that made his feel gross after because of the consequences.

"Can I take a shower?" Awsten asked quietly and Geoff nodded.

"You can do whatever you want. Do you want to grab anything to eat on the way home? I'll buy it. I'll do anything for you to forgive me, I'm so sorry." Geoff pleaded. Guilt. Geoff felt guilt, but Awsten liked it. He shouldn't have felt guilty. If Awsten didn't have religious trauma he would've let it continue. He knew he would've.

"I do forgive you. It's fine, I would do that to myself too! I'm pretty cute." Awsten made little kissy noises at Geoff watching him shake his head.

"Oh shut up. You just lost all the deals." Geoff rolled his eyes, smiling.

"Wait, really?" Awsten looked up at him as he shook his head,

"let's head to the car."


They quickly made it home. Well, to Geoff's house and went upstairs.

"I have a question." Geoff asked, sitting against the wall.

"Yeah?" Awsten asked, going at his 3rd bottle of water.

"What's actually considered a sin?" Geoff asked, tapping his knees.

"I don't know there's a lot of sins Geoffrey." Awsten sat criss cross.

"Am I going to hell?" Geoff asked sitting next to him. Awsten licked his lips nervously, he felt so bad knowing the real answer.

"You- you don't even care about that stuff Geoff, so don't worry about it." Awsten gave him a reassuring smile.

"I know I'm going to hell, you can say it. If it's real." Geoff shrugged it off and smiled.

"Hell is a scary place Geoff.." Awsten shifted uncomfortably, "how about.." He gasped grabbing onto Geoff's hands.

"What? What!" Geoff smiled, Awsten only grabbed his hands when he was excited about something.

"You come to confessions with me tomorrow and you can apologize and then.. then maybe you'll be okay." Awsten smiled bright, while Geoff raised an eyebrow and pulled his hands away.

"Why do you need to go to confessions..?" Geoff smirked, watching Awsten's face fold.

"Because... You... You touched me in a very bad way! It's not funny, what if I go to hell?!" Awsten groaned and Geoff laughed.

"So you don't actually care?" Geoff crossed his arms leaning back in the corner of the bed.

"Yes I do! I just- I just," Awsten watched as Geoff leaned up one more and cupped his face, "I... just..." His lip quivered as Geoff's lips touched his. This time he really felt everything including Geoff's piercing. He pulled away.

confessions -gawstenWhere stories live. Discover now