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Geoff jolted awake as he felt Awsten climb over him.

"Baby?" Geoff sat up, "what are you doing?"

"Jawn said he was coming to pick me up. He kept texting me now I'm forced to go." Awsten pulled on a hoodie of Geoffs."

"Uhhh.. Why don't you just stay here?" Geoff frowned, "I wanna cuddle with youuuu...."

"He's already on his way." Awsten sat at the side of Geoff's bed, still pantsless, but he had a huge hoodie to cover him up.

"If my mom sees you, you'll go home." Geoff moved next to him.

"I'll be fine." Awsten smiled, placing his chin on Geoff's shoulder.

"Tell him to just come up here. Please." Geoff begged, but Awsten shook his head. He insisted that he would be fine.

"Please." Geoff begged again, Awsten rolled his eyes.

"Why do you want me to stay so bad?" Awsten smiled. Geoff wrapped his arms around him laying down and pulling him to his stomach.

"Because if you leave I'll be alone." Geoff kissed his head.

"Take a nap while I'm gone." Awsten rubbed his arm.

"I'll have no one to hold on to." Geoff frowned. Awsten used his elbows to lean himself up.

"You're acting like you're in love with me-" Awsten cut himself off. He was so stupid, the note. Everything. Everything made sense. He looked at Geoff, his face darkened to a new red color.

"I am in love with you, stupid." Geoff poked Awsten's cheek, watching him smile and dig his face into his chest.

"I like you." Awsten said, his voice muffled.

"What?" Geoff looked down at him, a hand in his hair.

"I like you." Awsten said louder, blushing.

"You like me back?" Geoff smiled, "Woah..." The sweet moment was cut off when Awsten heard his phone ring and a knock at the front door.

"I wanna stay here Gee... Go fight him off, please." Awsten begged, Geoff quickly got up and pulled some clothes on.

"Thank you, my personal prince." Awsten smiled as Geoff left the room while buttoning his pants. He ran down the steps and opened the door.

"Hey, where's Awsten?" Jawn asked, trying to poke his head into the house.

"He's upstairs, not feeling too good. Stomach bug, I think." Geoff shrugged, frowning.

"Oh.." Jawn nodded, "is she okay?"

"He's been throwing up, a lot. So much gagging..." Geoff shook his head pinching his lips together, trying not to laugh.

"Gross. Why didn't he text me about that?" Jawn asked, watching Geoff shrug,

"Probably too sick."

"Can I go say hi?" Jawn tried to nudge his way in, but Geoff shook his head.

"Super sick." Geoff frowned, "come back later, when he feels better, okay?" Jawn nodded as he closed the door and ran up the stairs to awsten.

"Baby." Geoff walked over to him.

"Yeah?" Awsten smiled, getting up off the bed.

"Let's run away." Geoff smiled, grabbing his hands. Running away would be perfect for the two. They just needed each-other. They could just survive with each other. They only needed each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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