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this thing has seen its fair share of unused plot, so i'll list some of them

- sam was supposed to stab kyle's eye out bc he compared her to henry

- after this kyle was gonna go full insane mode and basically force sam to watch kyle two mutilate henry

- obvi to force her he'd have to like tie her up or something, so in preparation he got like a ds?? and after henry is perma dead he was gonna take kyle two in the sd card

- kyle and kyle 2 r now on the run from the popo!!!!!! i didnt put this in bc if kyle got arrested then it would complicate things way too much

it had some art too so

it had some art too so

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some other unused things were that kyle two and kyle were supposed to have a little memory transfer, which i mentioned but it was gonna be a major thing

instead of kyle making the decision to  take the sd card n all, he was gonna learn of austin's death

and at that point henry wouldn't of told sam so he would've snitched

then kyle gets caught by popo plot yeah yeah

also kyle and sam were going to be both possessed by henry/austin

originally after kyle two ''''kills'''' austin, austin just revives himself and then sam loses it. like shes done.

she was going to run up and like slam her fists on the wii, and then kyle would try n pull her away

but then henry and austin would turn the chair dial back up, and pull the lever stump

basically sam/kyle both get shocked and henry/austin's spirits entered their body

but i didn't want the story turning into 'lol!! skool possession shenanigans!!' and so i scrapped the concept

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