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Mi woke up, her muscles tense and sore. She sighed, letting a gentle tear slip down her face.

Mi was startled by the gentle hand brushing the tear away but she didn't have the energy to jump.

"What are you doing?" She asked the doctor in a whisper. She fell asleep while he restrained her last night and it was obvious he stayed up all night.

"I'm a doctor. My job is simply to heal you." He spoke calmly.

Mi rolled on her side to face away from him and hugged her knees. "Well don't."

"Not allowed. I'll be fired and-

"Well get fired. Just go away," Mi sneered.

The doctor grasped her wrist tightly. "Don't back talk me."

"And what are you going to do? Take me to my father? Kill me?"  Mi snapped. She sat up quickly, using his grasp to hold her weak self up. "There's nothing you can do to me that'll hurt me. There's no reason for me to live so don't act like I matter now!"

A few seconds of silence passed before her legs gave out and the doctor pulled her into him, hugging her tightly. "I told you not to talk back!" He yelled back. "Now put these on and follow me!" He pushed her back into the bed and threw a set of clothes at her.

"Do you know who I am? You can't-

"I have Mr. Sun's permission to kill you. And I have his demand to keep you alive at all costs even if I die." The doctor pointed to a small curtain. "Typically I'm not supposed to leave a suicidal patient alone so you have exactly 1 minute to get dressed before I walk in." The doctor demanded.

"I'm not-

"59. 58," he counted.

Mi glared at him until 54 then stormed behind the curtain to change.

"10." His voice got closer. "9, 8 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. . ."  A few seconds passed. "Mi Sun?" He called worriedly. "Mi Sun answer me!" He hissed.

With no answer he threw the curtain opened and his eyes fell instantly on Mi, tucked in the corner hugging her knees. "What the hell?" He yelled. "Why didn't you answer?"

Mi shrugged. "I was done at 30."

"So you didn't come out?" The doctor continued to scold.

Mi shrugged again but stayed silent.

This time the doctor took a deep breath, throwing his doctor jacket onto a small table outside of the curtain. He was wearing a black t shirt that hugged him slightly and black jeans. "I signed up for the wrong job," he huffed. "Get up or I'll force you."

"Please," Mi sighed. "I really can't." Her voice cracked with hurt.

"Woah woah woah." The doctor scoffed. "Where's the little spitfire person that came in?"

"Dead," Mi answered without hesitation.

His teasing smile faded and he kneeled to her level. "You're going to be the death of me," he sighed.

"Don't touch me," Mi whined as he reached his arm around her waist.

He laughed, sliding his other arm under her legs and picking her up. "What are you going to do?"

Mi stayed silent, letting out a quiet puff of annoyance.

The doctor carried her to a room and threw her onto the bed gently, but carelessly. "What the hell?" Mi whined.

"Sorry," he laughed.

Mi huffed again but instead of arguing pulled her knees to her chest.

"Your just going to sleep?" The doctor asked as if he was offended.

Mi shrugged and the doctor sighed.

"Fine." He huffed. "Don't question where you are. Why I brought you here. . ."He paused to see if she'd answer but noticed her staring straight in front of her towards the door.

The doctor studied the line between her and the door. The night side table was the only thing there. On it was just a picture and a few miscellaneous items. He grabbed the picture frame but she didn't seem to notice. He studied it. It was just a picture of him about 5 years ago. Maybe 14 years old when he was in his required training with weapons. Mr. Sun took it just for a file image but gave a copy to him. There was nothing interesting about it at all. He didn't even look good, his hair was a mess and the uniform hugged him a bit too tight.

The doctor. Studied the  table some more. A Pencil. A knife. An empty bag of chips. A notebook-

He froze suddenly as he made the mental list then lunged at the table, snatching the knife. "You're going to give me a heart attack!" He screamed, chucking the knife towards his dresser.

Mi stood up and pointed to the bathroom.

"Go," the doctor waved her on with a huff. "It's empty. I had to get rid of all forms of medicide, and sharp things."

Mi didn't move.

"Sit down." He ordered. She still didn't listen. "Look." He huffed, grabbing her arms. "You're not going to believe me but I need you to be here. Alive. I can't write another person's obituary or I'm going to lose it so please. Just listen to me. We don't know each other but I'm here for you as much as neither of us wants."

Mi threw his hand off and sat angrily on the bed, crossing her arms.

"Fine!" The doctor screamed. "I'll leave. The room is yours but I won't carry your dead body out. I'll die right next to you!" He turned, walking out the door and slamming it shut.

He stood there quietly. He didn't plan to leave her. He knew he wasn't going anywhere and he needed to stop her but he needed just a single second to breath.

"Fine," Mi's soft voice spoke from inside. "Fine I need you. I need... I need someone."

He couldn't tell if she was talking to him so his hand sat motionless on the door handle.

"I want to destroy Mr. Sun. That's my motivation. And once that's done I have nothing."

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