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Mi woke up to Ye's soft hand against her cheek. "What?" She whined. Last night she went to bed after taking a shower. He took one after. The only problem was the one bed.

"Nothing. I don't know when you want to leave but it's nearly noon." Yeon said softly.

Mi sighed. "Let's get food then leave. We have another 6 hours. We planned to meet at 7 right before they close."

Ye held her down when she tried to get up. "Ye!" She hissed. "I will hurt you."

"You know you talk in your sleep?" He smiled.

Mis face slowly fell into an embarrassed bush.

"I love you too stupid friend," ye gently flicked the side of her head and got up. "There's a cafe near by. I haven't had coffee in forever."

Mi frowned. She repeated the way he said friend over and over in her head until she got an idea. Part of her felt that guilty. But the rest felt desperate.

Mi began to sit up the screamed, letting herself fall back down. "Ow!" She cried, holding her ribs gently where she has a bruise.

"Mi?" Yeon grabbed her arm but she yelled.

"Ow! Don't touch me!" She cried again.

Yeon sat next to her with pure worry on his face. "Alright. I'm not touching. Just calm down. Calm down beautiful. Please."

Mi slowly stopped her sobs then grabbed his hand tightly. "Make it stop!" She pleaded. Something she had mastered was the act of playing hurt so she knew with no doubt he though she was hurt.

"It's ok baby. It's ok. It's ok." He brushed a gentle hand on her cheek and grabbed her shirt. "I'm just going to look." He carefully moved her shirt until he saw the deep dark, purple bruise. "Oh," Ye gasped a little. He touched the outside of it and Mi yelled. "Sorry!" He quickly cried.

"Don't touch it. I'll be fine in-

"No. No Mi I think you broke a rib." He studied the wound closer. "No. Stop walking it off. You're hurt."

Ye frowned again. Her plan went south yet again. He was to good of a doctor. "Fine," Mi  pushed herself closer to Ye and grabbed his shoulder.

Ye laughed and kissed the top of her head. "Fine," he huffed.

Mi winced as he picked her up but not for herself. She remembered how weak he was and barely able to hold himself. "Wait put me down," she panicked.


Mi forced herself from his arms, crashing on the bed. "It's ok. It really is," she stood up. "Like a said. I just needed a minute-

Ye pulled Mi in and kissed the top of her head a few times. "I'm going to trust you. Don't lie to me."

Mi winced and hugged him tightly. She placed a gentle kiss on his lips and turned to leave  but he pulled her back.

Mi was shocked when he kissed her back deeply. It took her a minute to kiss him back and wrap her legs around him tightly.

The kiss was cut when Ye's legs gave out and the crashed into the bed but that didn't stop them from laughing a little. "I didn't want to die knowing that I didn't tell the person I love that I love them enough. I made that mistake before." Mi said.

"So say it," Yeon teased.

Mi laughed kissing him again until he squirmed uncomfortably then she burried her face in his shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you too beautiful." He said cautiously. "Did I just get tricked."

Mi laughed, hugging him tightly. "Sorry."

He rolled his eyes, carefully pulling her off the bed. "You need a doctor though. I really think your rib is broken. Maybe 2. What happened?"

While Mi shrugged she pulled away from him and began gathering up their stuff. "He pushed me into a table and. . ." She shrugged again. "He pushed me."

Ye spun her around to face him with a bit more force than he meant but he didn't really care. "I know you're not going to tell me who so tell me where you're hurt."

"Ye,  Ye, That's all. I swear." Mi calmed him.

He forced her into another kiss then hugged her tightly. "I'll drop it baby." He sighed. "Let's go eat."

Confused and concerned at the sudden drop in conversation she let him drape an arm around her neck and lead them to the café.

Mi ordered a caramel Macchiato with a chcolate donut and Yeon got an Americano, with a glazed  donut.

After the meal was quickly devoured, they got back in the car and continued to the planned spot.

6 hours later.

Yeon noticed Mi getting ready to park so he dragged himself to her seat and gave her a tight hug. "We can do this," he said quietly, trying his best to calm her even though he wasn't calm himself.

"Yeah. The worst that can happen now is we get arrested." Mi shrugged. She parked the car and sighed when she saw Min Hos car. "He's here."

Yeon perked his head up happily and moved back to his seat. "Where?"

There was a long moment of silence while Mi tapped away on her phone and someone ran out of the store. Yeon studied him but was to excited to move. He slowly opened the door and stood up letting the boy run into his arms. "Yeon Jun," he cried.

Yeon laughed, sitting down because he was to weak to hold them both. "I missed you"

"I thought you were dead ass hole!" Min ho cried.

Yeon smiled happily and kissed the top of his head. "Think you can get rid of your annoying brother that easy?" He teased.

Min Ho laughed and helped him sit up. "You look so sick," he frowned.

"I had a donut thanks to this loser," he quickly answered.

Mi kissed the side of Yeons head and rested her chin on his shoulder. "This loser also had a donut. And coffee."

"First meal in 2 years." Yeon couldn't help but chuckle.

Min Ho took a step back, confused. "You're dating?"

Yeon looked at Mi to answer. But she was already looking at him, wondering the same thing. He shrugged. "Not exactly. . . No. I think we both need to get to know each other again. And. . . I'm not dating until Mr. Sun is arrested."

Mi smiled, kissing his cheek yet again. "I still love you."

"I love you too beautiful." Yeon leaned his head into hers, signaling a hug then grabbed Min Hos hand. "I love you too Min Ho. Don't be too jealous." He teased. "Now. Let's go. I want a girlfriend."

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