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Mi was curled up in the bed in the random room the doctor brought her too with with covers wrapped tight around her. It took a 5 minute argument for her to agree to just rest and now Yeon was pacing the room.

"Stop that," she whined.

He froze instantly. "Sorry. Anx..." He paused. "Nevermind." He rolled his desk chair to him and sat on it close to Mi. "So you're not allowed to stay in my care for more than a week. I'll give you my number so we can keep contact but-

"Absolutely not." Mi hissed. She laughed as if Yeon was a comple idiot. "The phone?" She motioned at his on the desk.

"Backup. One Sun doesn't have access to," he opened a drawer and threw a phone gently at Mi. It was the newest model, the screen shiny and seemingly untouched. "I'll get one next time I'm on a mission out far for you. Might have a mission in America soon."

Mi handed him the phone and rolled her eyes. "At least you have some form of common sense," she scoffed.

Yeon laughed a little, putting his phone back into the drawer then walking to the door. "I'll be back in a minute."

"Where are you going?" Mi quickly asked.

He glanced at her, shocked by her worry. "Have you ever been to the doctor for anxiety? Did I ask that already?" He questioned, dropping whatever plans he had to leave to face her with all seriousness.

Mi pulled the covers to her, trying to hide her embarrassment. She had broken her strong character so many times. More than she's done in a total of 3 years. "Yes." She spoke with confidence. "Anxiety. Depression. One doctor even said I had PTSD." She added a laugh to emphasize the stupidity of the diagnosis. "I just want to know if you're coming back to kill me."

Yeon turned back to the door, opening it. "Guns in the drawer," he said, calmly walking out.

He stepped into the hallway cautiously. No one usually walked through the hallway this time of day but you could never be sure. As he walked he couldn't help but think of Mi. The anxiety was obvious. One doesn't have to be a medical professional to see that. More so for her Depression. But ptsd? It could explain the anxiety and depression, but he couldn't see what exactly she developed it from. Despite the fact that she grew up in a mafia with an abusive father she had always seemed fine. She had always seemed strong. Infinite.

"Hey Jun. What's up?" A hard hand crashed into his back in greeting.

Yeon jumped but instantly recognized Min Hos figure. "See you're still alive," he calmly greeted, pulling his friend into a side hug without breaking stride.

"What you doing?" Min ho asked.

Yeon shrugged. "Taking care of a patient. It's been like 2 days and she hasn't asked for food... just a hell lot of complaints and. . . Need for me."

Mi laughed. "What's wrong with him?"

He hesitated with his answer.  As he thought he realized he could really use Min Ho. "Her boyfriend was killed."

"Ooh Yeon-

"Not the right time!" Yeon quickly stopped him.

Min Ho pulled him to a stop. "Oh. This is actually serious. You're really hurt by this... I've never seen you care about a patient except..."

"Shes suicidal. But she. . ." Yeon paused. "I left her with a gun!" He remembered. He took off instantly, bolting back to his room. He pounded the door, too horrified to speak as he then pounded in his pass code and swung the door opened.

"What the hell Yeon?" Mi yelled. She was aiming the gun at him, obviously prepared for a fight.

Yeon studied her blankly. She seemed to be fine-

She yanked him, forcing him behind her.

"Woah." Mi gasped.

Yeon was too shocked to react just yet as he tried comprehending everything. The last few days had happened so fast with no warning and now this. But for some reason now the only thing he could think of was that she just protected him from a threat that didn't actually exist.

"Yeon," Mis voice shook him back to reality.

Yeon looked around confused. Min ho was too his left and Mi was leaning over him. "S-sorry?" He stammered confused.

Anxiety black outs weren't rare to him so he wasn't too surprised. Mis hands craddled his head, keeping his neck straight. "W-well are you alright?" Mi asked angrily.

"Bro. You passed out again. You're lucky Mi Sun was there to catch you. What was that all about? You just ran so suddenly." Min ho asked worriedly.

Yeon sat up and buried his face in his hands. He groaned, frustrated. "Mi has secrets that might be why I can't figure her out. Then I left her with a loaded gun. I thought she was dead. And then she was fine. But then she thought you were going to hurt me... or her. She stood between me and  potential death for all she knew. . ." He groaned again. "It's nothing." He claimed, calming his voice "I just get attached to easy."

"Bro. You're anxiety is through the roof." Min Ho walked to the dresser, pulling out a set of headphones. "I'm not letting you hurt yourself and let you pretend you can deal with this alone again. Just take a minute." He slid the headphones on Yeon and pulled him into a tight hug.

Mi watched slightly concerned. She locked eyes with yeon but held it instead of breaking it like she normally would. A gentle tear fell down his face and he buried his face into Min Ho, embarrassed. Min ho slowly layed Yeon down. Part of her wanted to help because she knew exactly how it felt to have this bad of an anxiety attack, but at the same time they barely knew each other and she'd be stealing his friends spot who had obviously been with him through a lot.

About 5 minutes passed and Min Ho slowly released Yeon who didn't even bother moving, just letting his arm lull to the side. Min ho pushed the headphones off one ear. "I'll go get you guys something to eat." He said before gently setting the headphones back on his ear.

Mi could see his body visibly get tense as Min Ho left.

"Hey, just go put your hand on his shoulder. I'll get something quick like onigiri and be back as quick as possible. And I know... I know I shouldn't be bossing you around but I'm begging you to help him. If he starts crying, please hug him or... at least get out of the room so he doesn't have to watch you stand by." Min ho locked eye contact, signaling his seriousness before he went to the door and walked out.

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