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"Yeon Jun!" Mr. Sun hissed.

Yeon ignored him.

"Yeon Jun! You already own my daughter now-

"Shes not your daughter. That's not what you said before." Yeon argued.

Mr. Sun was speechless for a second. "Why haven't you started the mission?"

Yeon laughed at his sudden calmness. He had always been a threat. Because he was the only doctor. Because he had unstoppable access to others that couldn't be traced. Because he could fight anyone. "Mr. Sun," he began. He stood up just to show he was taller then him. "Do I scare you?"

"Do you. . . Do you scare me?" He scoffed. "Yeon Jun. What the hell is your problem. You've been testing me lately. I won't tolerate it!"

Yeon took a threatening step to Mr. Sun. "I think I threaten your position. I stole your authority over you daughter. I stole your daughter. I stole your rights to control me. . . You know. If I get out of this prison you're screwed. You're dead."

Mr. Sun pulled out a gun and didn't even notice Yeons shift to the side to block his aim of Mi. "You're both done." He scoffed. "You're going to the cells."

"What?" Yeon shoved him away. He quickly grabbed Mi who played dead perfectly and held her protectively. "Shes mine. You can't take her away. It's against the rules. Punishable by death."

Mr. Sun laughed. "I'm not taking her away. You'll be right next to each other," he grabbed his phone.

Yeon held her tighter. "No. Let me finish the week you gave. Or wait until she's awake. She needs a doctor," he pleaded.

People stormed the room, grabbing Yeon. He held Mi protectively as they tried pulling her away. "Please!" Yeon screamed.

Mi held Yeon tightly now, kicking at hands that tried separating them.

"Just today." Mr. Sun called. "Leave them be for just today."

On command hands released Mi and forced Yeon forwards.

"He's been planning this for weeks," one man groaned to the other.

"He's pathetic. Just scared they'll fall in love."

Yeon jerked his arms, interrupting their conversation. "I can kill you," he hissed.

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever," they laughed.

Yeon winced as they twisted his arms, continuing to force him forwards. "Mi. Just hold on," he cried. "I'm sorry."

Mi squeezed him tightly, locking her legs around his waist. "It's my fault."

Yeon resisted but with 4 men pulling him, restraining his arms it was pointless. They were dragged down a long, dark, musty staircase.

"Alright. Let him go." One of the men demanded.

"No!" Mi whined.

Yeon was struck on the back of the head with something hard and heavy. "Make her let you go," he hissed.

"Yeon!" Mi cried.

"We're putting cuffs on," the other said softly.

"Don't hurt her." Yeon hugged Mi by turning his head into her. "Be gentle."

"I will." The nicer man spoke.

The other 2 laughed. "Suck it up love birds."

"I don't like him!" Mi yelled.

She instantly regretted it, burying herself into Yeons chest for protection. "Let them cuff you," Yeon agreed. "I won't let them hurt you."

"I'm not worried about me." Mi cried.

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