Im (Not) Okay. (Part 9.9)

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Speed:So Mrs. Mollie really is our mother?

Pearl:Yes i dna tested your blood and the blood from your siblings with hers, and they matched.

Speed:Was it once?

Pearl:5 times, to make sure it was correct.

Speed:Thats great to know! Really.

Pearl:So are you gonna tell them?

Speed:Its better if i save it till last day, sometimes suprises are better.

Speed:So pearl if you would, i prefer you not telling them. Ill tell them when the right time comes.

Pearl:Well, If you say so. Just dont forget to tell them.


-Later in speed subconscious-

(You think you can just ignore me completely?)


(Admit it, You are angry.)

Speed:(I dont care..)

(Oh! But you care, A lot in fact... What about your dear brother flare. I know he would like a good explanaition about that.. Incident.)

Speed:(I Would never do that flare..)

(Let me remind you, You KILLED him, Its your fault, dont even deny it! I bet he would be interested in hearing what you did..)

(What would the others think of you eh? If they found out they would be angry at you, Dissapointed in you. You are pathetic!)

Speed:(I dont care!)

(Hah! you dont care? YOU DONT CARE! Dont make me laugh. Its your fault for killing flare, And mollie? Where to even begin? I can see so many... alternate universes.. You killed everyone in your path in some of these. Even your precious sunshine... For your own benefit! Some of your alternate versions even travel to other alternate universes and destroy them completely! This is the same boooringgg Pattern. What makes you think you are an exception! You are not just angry a mollie are you eh?)

Speed:(I would never let flare dead forever, it was just a mistake! I did not mean to kill him! im not those other  versions of myself, im just a bit upset!)

(Even better! I know you are not just angry! I know its something else.)

Speed:(I dont hate my own mom, no way i would hate her!)

(Really now? Your emotions say otherwise. ADMIT IT! She abandoned you, Left you to die!)

Speed:(N-No t-theres no way she would do that...)

(Oh i can tell you she just left all of you to die! If she even went back atleast 1 time, She woulded found all of you! You had a terrible childhood because of her! Your siblings had to rely on you! ITS HER FAULT YOU NEVER FELT THE CARE OF A MOTHER!)


(You cant fix something... if you cant even save yourself! Admit it! You are a DISSAPOINTMENT, YOU ARE PATHETIC! YOU ARE WEAK!)



(Give it a rest... Im the better half of both of you... Ill take matters into my own hands...)

*##### Then launches at speed, Trying to fuse in his soul*

Speed:(Nghh! Get away from me!)

(Why are you resisting? Im better than you! Give up already!)

Speed:(I.. Said... GET AWAY FROM ME!)

*##### Then impales speeds soul, then slowly inserting himself in it*


*Speed then charges a DT Explosion*

Speed:Im not giving in!

*Then speed launches the explosion of determination, causing a massive blast launching both of them far*

*Suddenly speed wakes up in the middle of the night*




Speed:What was... all that about..?

Speed:Was that just a dream...?

Speed:Wait... MY SOUL!

*Speed then raises his arm and summons his soul*


*Speed notices a small black stain in the center of his soul*

Speed:That thing... It stabbed my soul in the center... and inserted himself in my soul... like a... needle...

*Suddenly speed notices the black stain very slowly growing in size*

Speed:Its spreading..! Very slowly atleast... i... im... so tired... As much as i want to find a solution to this, i have to do it... tommorow... i dont think i can go back in my subconscious with that thing inside...

Speed:... Deeps would know what to do, But i think that thing got him captured somewhere inside there... I have to think of something... otherwise ill get consumed by this thing sooner or later...

*Speed notices a part of his arm covered in black*

Speed:Again with this... what else could i expect... I should think of something fast... But i cant sleep either... not with this thing being in my subconscious... I really dont have another choice besides waiting the night out...

Speed:This is.... a mess... What i am gonna do now...


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