(Flare)Solar vs Speed. (Part 15)

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-Getting late-

*Sunshine is there staring at the window with a frown*

Leaf:What's wrong sunshine?

Sunshine:It's getting late and daddy still isn't back...


Solar:(Remember about the plan flare.)

Flare:(I know...)

*Flare looks worried*

Leaf:Is anything wrong flare?

Flare :Oh it's nothing.. I just have to ask speed something when he gets back.

Leaf:I see.

Leaf:They should be back soon though.

*Flare, leaf and sunshine spot speed and lazuli outside*

*Sunshine leaves the treehouse out of excitement and tackles speed with a hug*


Speed:Woah! Hey sunshine missed me much?

Leaf:Where did you guys go?

Lazuli:Oh we had to... Check something.

Leaf:And what was that?

Speed:Kinda complicated. Explain later. Kinda tired of walking right now.

Flare:Hey big bro, I need to talk to you something in private.

Speed:Okay..? What for.

Flare:Just follow me.

Sunshine:W-What? But daddy just got back and he already has to leave.

Speed:Don't worry I promise I'll be back in no time Sunshine.

Flare:(That's a promise I might break...)

Speed:Well, Be right back.

*Sunshine stands there with a sad expression*

Lazuli:Don't worry I'm sure he will be back like he says.



Speed:Flare why must it be in the middle of the woods, it's getting late.

Flare:it's complicated to explain...

Speed:Well what do you wanna tell me?


Solar:Let me talk to him.



Flare:I'll let solar explain everything..

Speed:Solar? Who are you talking ab-

*Solar takes control of flare's body*

Solar:Hello, let me introduce myself.

Speed:Wait... That eye... Are you the virus that got into flares body..?

Solar:Yes and no. That can wait for later we have something more important to talk about.

Speed:Just get to the point.

Solar:Was about to do so.

*Solar Teleports both of them to the memory path*

Speed:What the-

Speed:Wait... What is this place?

Solar:It's the memory path. Let me explain everything. Well a quick version of it.

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