Being a pendulum:

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Liest eternal birth, weighing
upon the mortal heart;
smearing a common earth,
silencing the repine,
dreaming with charm,
tightening a frail rope;
gazing upon grain.

above such poor ground;
diving into a resent for each morning.
breaking limbs
crunching marrow,
kneading cuts,
slit and open,
mourning and still,

only to have one laying with sharp glum skin;
consuming ill grey fouls,
feigning fallacies,
deeply into an earthly eye,
brings thought to faint,
leaking exalted history,
finding conditions to burn.

Is now drying one's soul where a body hangs with
prolonged absence,
adorned with sleep;
gifted with pain only to consume;
blue and grey;
blue and grey;
they say:
manipulate the ill,
stain the dear ones will.

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