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why can't they see themselves?
they have beautiful souls and minds;
equipped with courage to speak upon ideas that no other would touch.
it is for them to be the actors and creators of their own creed;
splitting their heads,
keeping us fed,
unable to make their beds.
yet they come back.

but they're alone-
outlining their fate,
upon hills of pressure filled with mad-
suspended by ridicule,
founded miniscule,
it's all there.
they themselves are scattered within tired fiction of rampant contradiction.

yet they come back-
with their mastered bodies are entertaining the crowd.
their words shedding themselves effortlessly through their own shroud,
burning their world.

their pieces of honest dear flesh
consumed by an audience,
a cursed audience-
oblivious to what they've given, written, and spoken.
oh, that true heroism...
all to be alone.

please, I beg you...
refuse to be blind,
unfold what they have told.

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