Asleep (B-side):

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oh, I feel so very ill.
amongst my slumber I groan and moan of the strain
and pain again.
blankets of minimal discipline,
are met with the divine passions of
drenched dreams severed through the measures of
one's will
oh, so very ill.

you've put me under ponderous rejection,
left me within a world that composes wet grey skies,
skies that whisper threating rain,
they shower manifestations of unripe hatred and disease.

you've cursed me with the struggle of a lonesome
for I am founded to be walking upon wet autumn
only to be yelled at by inarticulate purpose and faulted means.

oh, so very ill, what happened to my will?
I write morose lines to perceive a hill,
In order to justify that I amount to be ill.

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