XiYou Draft V-Day 2019

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XiJia XiYou Vday 2019 fanfic special one shot stand alone

February 3rd

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening and Talent's Tea Shop was about to close. Xiao You and her crew just finished cleaning up the shop and was just to go in the back office to change when her boyfriend Xi Men entered. She walked towards him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I'll just change then we can go." She said.
"No rush. I can wait." Xi Men replied. He sat on a nearest chair by the door.
After ten minutes, Xiao You and her crew came out of the door, now wearing their civilian clothes. The two part-time workers bade goodbye to Xiao You and Xi Men.
Xi Men helped Xiao You locked up the store. Then they walked to the parking lot where his car was parked.
"Are you hungry?" He asked once inside and seated in.
Xiao You put on her seat belt and nodded. "Yes! I didn't have dinner earlier because we were so busy."
Xi Men had already started the car engine and was navigating their way out of the parking lot into the main road.
"Yeah, I can hear your stomach grumbling."
Xiao You hugged her stomach. "Well, I am really hungry. I think I'll eat like a horse tonight." She kidded.
Xi Men glanced at her. "How is it that you can eat a lot and not get fat?"
She shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe because I stand and walk a lot at work."
He laughed. Then his face became serious. "Don't you think you're working too hard lately?" He asked.
"The shop is rather busy these day because of our Chinese New Year promo. A lot of the business companies nearby have bulk orders for their celebration." She explained.
"I guess that's good." Xi Men commented. "But I don't want my girlfriend to miss dinner."
Xiao You faced him. "You worry too much. I'm fine."
Xi Men turned his head around her. "Shouldn't I?" He faced the road again.
Xiao You leaned on his shoulder. "Yes, you should. And I'm happy and thankful you care so much about me."
Xi Men kissed her forehead. "We're almost there."

Xi Men brought them to the noodle shop that stays open til midnight. It was Xiao You's favorite noodle shop and usually their go-to food place when it was late in the night already.
They ordered two big bowls of noodles and other dishes that the shop served.

After an hour, both were full and happy.
"Say Xiao You, where do you plan to spend the Chinese New Year?" Xi Men asked. They were now walking hand in hand. They decided to take a short walk before going back to his car.
"Well, my parents really want us to be together this year since my grandparents in Hangzhuo has invited us to visit them too." Xiao You replied.
"So I won't be seeing you then."
"I'm sorry Xi Men but since I've started college I hardly see my grandparents anymore. I really want to spend the holidays with them."
"It's okay. I know they're very important to you."
"Thanks for understanding." She tightened her hold on his hand. "What about you? Where will you spend the holidays?"
"There is a big company celebration and my father has requested that I participate since I'm now an official employee of our business." He stated.
"And your mother?"
"Well, she's also attending since this is an official business affair."
"Wouldn't that be awkward for your parents?"
"Not really. Well, not anymore. They know how to be civil to each other on these occasions. Besides, our employees already know they're not in good terms anymore but is just putting up a united front because our company rule mandates it."
"What do you mean by your ‘company rule mandates it’?"
"My great-great grandfather who founded the family business had it written as the most important rule in the business for the company President and his wife to be always present in all official business activities and affairs. He said that it encourages and motivates the employees. And also for us to socialize and get to know them. Regardless of marital problems, the rule must be obeyed." He explained.
"Oh. And you're parents are okay with it?"
"It's tradition."
"And you?"
"Children are not obliged. But now that I'm working in our company, I guess I have no choice now."
"Will I also need to attend those events?"
"Eventually." He winked.
"Eh? What do you mean eventually?"
"When we're married, of course."
He laughed. "Why do you sound surprised? I already told you that time we became an official couple that I want to marry you."
She blushed. "I just didn't think you were that serious."
"Well I am, so better believe it."
"I believe you. But I'm scared, you know."
"Of your parents. I've met them just once and they were really nice to me that time but what if like they act like Dao Ming Si's mother?"
He kissed her hand as if reassuring her. "In spite of what happened to my parents, they're really decent people in comparison to Auntie Feng."
"If you say so."

February 5 Chinese New Year

At Hangzhuo
"Grandma! Grandpa!" Xiao You hugged her grandparents as soon as her family arrived in Hangzhuo.
"Is this our granddaughter Xiao You?" Her grandfather asked while looking intently at her.
"Yes grandpa. It's me Xiao You."
"My! You've grown so big and so cute too!" Her grandmother remarked.
"Of course grandma! I take after you. We're cute together." She smiled.
"Aiyoo! You still like to kid around. Here." The older lady handed Xiao You a red envelope.
"Wow! Thanks grandma!" She hugged her again.
"Your welcome."
"What's this we heard from your cousin Xinxin that you have a boyfriend already." Her grandfather commented.
Xiao You felt embarrassed.
"Look at Xiao You being shy. Why, when I was your age, I had tons of boyfriend." Her grandmother joked.
"But do take note that I am the only one she truly loved and chose to marry." Her grandfather added.
She laughed. "Yes, I know. You've told me that story many times already."
"So, who's the lucky man who won your heart?"
"Um, his name is Xi Men Yan."
"Xinxin told us he is handsome and is part of that elite group F4. Is that true?"
"Yes, Grandma. Xi Men is one-fourth of F4."
"Oh I heard about F4 in the news. Wasn't that the same group the Dao Ming Group heir is part of?"
"Yes, Xi Men is best friends with Dao Ming Si and also with Hua Ze Lei and Feng Mei Zuo."
"Ah, Xinxin forgot to tell us that you have a super rich boyfriend."
"Well, he just happened to be from a wealthy family. But he is a really nice guy."
"If he isn't I wouldn't allow my Princess to be with him."
"Thanks Grandpa. I'm moved."
"So how handsome is he then?"
"Like a real Prince Charming." Xiao You took out her phone and showed them a picture of Xi Men.
"He is Prince Charming indeed!"
"You tell us more about him."

Meanwhile at Shanghai...
"Xi Men, come here." His father had motioned for him to join him and the small group of men that surrounded him.
Xi Men approached them right away. "Sir." He dipped his head.
"I want you to meet Mr. Chan."
Xi men shook hands with Mr. Chan.
"Mr. Chan used to be our General Manager in Beijing." His father went on. "Even though he has left us, we have remained close friends."
"Mr. Yan, I wouldn't be where I am now if not for your good mentoring and for supporting my business proposal two years ago."
"Xi Men, didn't you say that your girlfriend Miss Jiang Xiao You worked at Talent's Tea Shop?"
He nodded.
"Is that so?" Mr. Chan remarked. "I will certainly look her up when I make my visit on our branches here in Shanghai."
"Excuse me Sir?"
"Ah, I forgot to mention earlier that Mr. Chan left our company to make his own business. He owns Talent Tea Shop."
"Yes, my wife and I loved tea so much that's why I worked in your family's company. But three years ago, my wife and I wanted to have our own tea shop business. Thus, we created Talent's Tea Shop." Mr. Chan explained.
"Wow! That's amazing! And I can't believe you own it Sir."
"Thank you. We're still a small company but we are expanding here and in Beijing."
"Yes, I've heard from Xiao You that you are opening up more branches."
"Business is then good, Kuan?
"Yes, yes."
"Xi Men's girlfriend was promoted a while ago as the store manager. She's still a student but that lady has business talent as well as wide knowledge of tea."
"Really? Then I must meet her soon. I like employees such as her."
"I will tell her about you Sir and maybe come along with you if you'd like."
"That'll be great."
"Big brother, you have a good son here. And he's got good taste in women too."
"Well, of course."

A couple of days later...

"I like you Miss Jiang!" Mr. Chan remarked.
"Thank you Sir."
"Now I understand why Xi Men's father spoke highly of you. You're a smart and capable woman."
"Thank you for your kind words Sir."
"Xi Men, you've chosen well for yourself. Tell you what, when you two get married, I'm gonna give this branch to both you as my wedding present."
"What? No way!" ... "Pardon me Sir."
"Hey! Miss Kang informed that you're interested in franchising. So this is it."

Thursday, February 7, 2019 6:13 AM
Thursday, December 13, 2018 1:10 PM (Note: This was the first draft of my XiYou fanfic holiday in December that got set aside when the idea for Deal came around. I'm returning to this one and changing from Christmas to Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day instead.)

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