Mid-Review Episodes 1-19 ENGSUB:

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These are my thoughts as I continue to watch the drama.

On martial arts choreography: Impressed but at the same time disillusioned. After several rewatched of both raws and subbed episodes, it is still obvious to me when it is the stunt double performing the difficult action sequence or plain martial arts. I can't blame Xize or the director for using a stunt double. Even Hollywood like MCU employ it. The problem is in the editing department.

This drama made Xize so husband material! Yes, husband! Very romantic, sweet, loving towards Jin'er. From episodes 4-19 there are about 23 kissing scenes (I counted in those that were interrupted and whenever Shen Jin avoided as well as on the cheek). WHAAAAATTTT????!!!!
And to think this was set in ancient times. What would it be like if it's in modern times? I can't! 🙈🥰
Irl, Xize is quite immature and childish. It's kinda hard to believe he can portray this responsible, mature, wise and very capable adult male. Haha He's acting performance has really impressed me. I am his fan but I always underestimate and belittle him against F3, Nicky and even Yiqin. He has this tendency to be overshadowed by everyone else like in The Chang'An Youth - majority prefers Binbin and Yichang. So even though GL got a lower score - compared to, WMY and 99PG; equal to TCY; better than MG2018 - to me this drama showed Xize's brilliance as a talented actor. He almost did everything a new actor could do. He was very consistent in his character. He was really immersed in the role. It helped that he preferred the role of a military man because he gave understanding and depth to the character of General Chu Xiu Ming unlike with the meek scholar Yang Zi'An. He himself admitted he didn't like that role hence his inconsistency all throughout. You can see and feel his discomfort. Anyway, GL is like a fashion show for Xize. He is very elegant in his ancient wardrobes. He never looked more handsome in a drama. I mean Ximen was only gorgeous when he got rid of those eyeglasses. But the General is handsome from episode 1 through 30.

Xize's Chu Xiu Ming is more consistent with the novel character than Shen Jin's counterpart. And I have to address this: the drama synopsis released is far different than the actual storyline. I have to agree with what others say. Shen Jin has not helped or contributed to the army even when she was appointed as military supervisor. To be honest, I like the character background and description of Shen Jin in the novel than in the drama. Tang Min's Shen Jin has a tendency to be annoying, irrational, and meddlesome. This is the problem when you read the original source or even a novel summary. I already have my own idea or version of the characters in my head. In fairness, Tang Min's acting was great except for those I mentioned.

I also have come to agree that Xize is younger than the General is supposed to be. Not that he isn't the best to portray but his boyish looks oftentimes gets in the way. As for Tang Min she does look mature and older. Chu Xiu Ming in the novel is aged between 18-25 while in the drama it is specified he is 20 years old. Meanwhile, Shen Jin in the novel is much younger at 13-14 years old. Yes! It's true. So Shen Jin in the drama could be aged between 17-18. Tang Min doesn't fit that age range. Though she portrayed the character really great. And Xize and Tang Min's on screen chemistry is legit as well as commendable. Just some minor details I noticed.

Episodes 19-23 were a little dragging for me to watch on raws. I complained about Wu Rou Nan and the lack of solid and intense conflicts. My opinion may change once I saw the subbed episodes.

Once you saw this drama you'll forget Xize was in The Chang'An Youth and he played the scholar Yang Zi'An. Haha Or if you saw him first as the Demon General you'll wonder and maybe amused he was that guy who thought he fell in love with a guy. Haha

Today November 11 is the day I get to finally watch the last seven episodes (24-30 raws). Yay! You don't know how hard it was and is for me to resist watching since October 31. Today I get to watch them all in one go. And I'm really excited. At the same time not yet ready to say goodbye. But I may have to because Nicky's Nichang is coming out sooner than we anticipated.

We're now on the last third of the drama and awaiting til November 29 for episodes 20-30 to be subbed in English. Don't give up and just be patient. Rewatch from the very beginning. Hehe

Lastly, I just want to thank everyone who stayed and enjoyed this drama. As Xize's fan, you don't know how much it means to us as you praise his acting (and looks). Thank you so much.

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