XiYou 🎶Is it okay if I call you mine?🎶

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Hey xiao you! Feng mei zuo yelled across the hall.
I turned around as he grabbed xi men yan out of his seat.
Mei zuo, stop it. Xi men hissed.
Mei zuo only grinned. Xiao you, my buddy xi men has something to ask you.
What is he up to? And why couldn't xi men just ask me himself, alone, in private?
Xi men looked at me, embarrassed. I'd even bet to say nervous.
A music played from mei zuo's phone. He still has that grin on his face.
Is it okay if i call you mine...
The rest of the song blurred.
So xiao you, is it okay if xi men can call you his girlfriend?
Xi men rolled his eyes. If he was embarrassed, i was humiliated. Other people at work has now stopped whatever they were doing and watching us three eagerly.
Stop fooling around mei zuo, i replied. I went back to my desk annoyed.

It is common knowledge in the office that xi men and I don't talk much. But that's only a facade we want others to know.
We are very friendly to each other actually. We messaged each other a lot day and night. We've been flirting with each other for months already.

📝 Found this saved on my old phone.
I don't know how to continue this fanfic. But I do know how it ended up in real life. Because I was around the same age as Nicky and Caesar when this scenario happened to me. Oh, to be young and foolishly in love.

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