一片冰心在玉壶 Novel Summary 2

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Part 2 Summary - Before Liao Country

Mo Yan is reinstated as a catcher but she has to spend the first three months as a street patroller

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Mo Yan is reinstated as a catcher but she has to spend the first three months as a street patroller. She hates doing the patrol job. One month before she finishes her training, she caught a purse thief. This thief is a girl disguised in male's clothing which Mo Yan immediately notices. Mo Yan takes the purse as evidence while the thief escapes.
Bao Zheng informs Zhan Zhao that the princess is missing and tasked him of finding her. Mo Yan tries another appeal to Bao Zheng and Zhan Zhao to make her a head catcher or stop the patrol duties already. Bao Zheng encourages her to bear one more month of patrolling. She brings out the purse and they put two and two together concluding that the thief is actually the princess.
Zhan Zhao manages to locate the princess and keeps in a safe place for the time being.
It is then revealed that Princess Zhao Yu ran away to avoid the arranged marriage. As a princess of the Song Dynasty, she is being sent to Khitan to marry the Prince of Liao Dynasty. Apparently there is tension and conflict between the two dynasties. (What else is new?)

Mo Yan's Big Sister whom they met while in Jiangnan comes to Beijing to look for a medicine to cure her sick husband. The special medicine can only be accessed in the palace. Purposely, Zhan Zhao invited the princess to the piano house to meet accidentally Mo Yan's Big Sister and her husband. This was the plan made by Prince Ning Jin, Mo Yan and Zhan Zhao.
Zhao Yu helps them but in return asks Zhan Zhao to be her bodyguard in Liao.
Bao Zheng is not pleased to lose his best guard but obeys the imperial order. He also has another reason for allowing him to go and tells him of a person to meet when they arrived in Liao country.
Gongsun Ce helps Zhan Zhao familiarize with the culture and etiquette of the Liao people.

Meanwhile, Mo Yan realizes she has developed an affection to Zhan Zhao. Everyone else seems to know about it.

Mo Yan was stunned: "What if I neither look down on him nor dislike him." "Who is he?" Ning Wangshu looked at the younger sister with a smile. "It's Brother Zhan." Mo Yan lay down on the table annoyedly, and looked at the senior sister sadly: "What to do, I think I really like him."

I laughed when Gongsun Ce told Bao Zheng about it. Zhan Zhao just told the news to Mo Yan and she insists on going along. They informed Bao Zheng of the plan. In honesty, Zhan Zhao doesn't want Mo Yan to come along. And here is the part where Gongsun Ce told Bao Zheng that Zhan Zhao has already fallen in love with Mo Yan. Or something to that effect.
Mo Yan's Big Sister confronted Zhan Zhao and he admits to being aware of Mo Yan's affections. Hence his concern and worry when he goes away with no assurance of ever coming back to Beijing.
It was winter and the journey to Liao country wouldn't be until May or June. By this time it has been decided by Zhan Zhao that Mo Yan will not come with him. She was unhappy about it. They spend the time together before he goes away. I think he started a physical/stamina and sword training with her every morning.
On the day Zhan Zhao is to leave he gives his Juque sword to Mo Yan. This is the second time it happened and it surprises everyone because the sword is a family heirloom. No one else has carried the sword except Zhan Zhao.
Before their journey to Liao, there was an incident at the same time the princess was missing. A common acquaintance of Mo Yan and Zhan Zhao was on Beijing. This man was specifically looking for Zhan Zhao. Upon persistent inquiry, Mo Yan discovers that the reason was to make a match of his younger sister to Zhan Zhao. Some time ago, Zhan Zhao stayed at their house and his mother was very fond of Zhan Zhao. Now that his younger sister is of age he thought it would be nice to marry Zhan Zhao into their family. What happened next is very funny. Mo Yan makes Zhan Zhao promise to her that no matter what their acquaintance asks of him Zhan Zhao should not agree. He gives his word to her even though he doesn't understand why. After meeting with that acquaintance, Zhan Zhao realizes what the promise with Mo Yan was for.
He has been thinking a lot about her, remembering her words to him. I like his quiet moments as he assess his own feelings for her.

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