XiYou Fanfic Drafts Dump

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A/N: Found these saved on my old phone. Thought I'd share it here.

XY: Why? Is that so hard to believe?
XM: No, that’s just dangerous. I might ask you to marry me.
XY: Ask me what?!
XM: You heard me.
XY: Ximen, stop goofing around.
XM: Who says I’m goofing around?
XY: C’mon, it’s a bad joke. Don’t blurt out stuff like that.
XM: Why not? I think it’s obvious by now that I like you. A lot.
XY: Ximen, we’re just friends.
XM: So you keep telling everybody. But I don’t see you as a friend anymore Xiaoyou. You are more than a friend to me now.
XY: I don’t like where this conversation is going. I’m leaving.
XM: Stop. Now that you know I have feelings for you, I think it’s about time we talk about what’s between the two of us.
XY: There’s nothing between the two of us.
XM: Oh, so now you’re just gonna ignore and deny the sparks flying around us and the great chemistry we have?
XY: Okay, fine. I admit I like you too.
XM: Really?
XY: I just confessed, didn’t I?
XM: Well, I have to be sure.
XM: It’s been a while since I’ve been stood up on a date.
XY: Ximen, I’m sorry. Something just came up.
XM: Phone’s not working? Couldn’t bother to message me you’re not coming?
XY: I said I’m sorry. Can we just focus on this project we’re working on?
XM: Fine. Let’s work.
XM: Jiang Xiaoyou! Wait up!
XY: What is it now Ximen? I’m busy.
XM: Then stop avoiding me.
XY: I’m not avoiding you.
XM: Oh really? We’ve worked together all week but you hardly talked to me. You can’t even look at me right now. Tell me Xiaoyou, did I do something wrong?
XY: No. I just got something on my mind.
XM: Well, can you tell me so I can help you?
XY: It’s fine. I can handle it myself. No need to bother you with my problems.
XM: Xiaoyou, your problems are my problems too.
XY: Ximen, I told you. I’m not ready to be involved with someone right now.
XM: I know. You told me very clearly that day we made our confession.
XY: Then please stop pursuing me.
XM: I can’t.
XY: Why?
XM: Because I love you. And I want to be with you.
XY: Ximen…
XM: I know, I know. You’re not yet ready. But let me be someone you can lean on and help you when you have problems.
XY: Isn’t that the same as being my boyfriend?
XM: Yeah, but we can just be friends. I’ll just a friend, promise.
XY: Thank you.
XM: But I still love you.
XY: When I’m ready, I’ll say it back to you.
XM: That’s a promise I’m willing to wait for.
[Originally written June 30, 2020]
[Originally written March 7, 2020 10:55 PM]
Hindi Tayo Pwede “Me and You, No Us Forever”
I’m in love with my best friend.
“Xiaoyou, what’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing, I’m fine Ximen.”
“Do you really think I’ll believe that? It’s obvious you’re upset. We’ve been friends for a long time now. I know when you’re not fine. And today you are obviously not fine. So, c’mon tell me.” He nudged her elbow.
Xiaoyou eventually gave in.
“Fine. I’m upset because you brought along-”
“Hey Xiaoyou!” Feng Meizuo yelled across the hall.
I turned around as he grabbed Ximen Yan out of his seat.
“Meizuo, stop it.” Ximen hissed.
Meizuo only grinned. “Xiaoyou, my buddy Ximen has something to ask you.”
What is he up to? And why couldn’t Ximen just ask me himself, alone, in private?
Ximen looked at me, embarrassed. I’d even bet to say nervous.
A music played from Meizuo’s phone. He still has that grin on his face.
Is it okay if I call you mine?
The rest of the song blurred.
“So, Xiaoyou, is it okay if Ximen Yan can call you his girlfriend?”
Ximen rolled his eyes. If he was embarrassed, I was humiliated. Other people at work has now stopped whatever they were doing and watching us three eagerly.
“Stop fooling around Meizuo,” I replied. I went back to my desk annoyed.
It is common knowledge in the office that Ximen and I don’t talk much. But that’s only a façade we want others to see and know. We are very friendly to each other actually. We messaged each other a lot day and night. We’ve been flirting with each other for months already.
“Hey!” Dao Ming Si greeted his best friend Ximen Yan.
Ximen Yan turned his head to the left and to the right. “Where’s your girlfriend?”
“She’s coming.”
Ximen nodded.
Dao Ming Si ordered a drink. “Bro, I’m so glad you’re back.”
“Yeah, me too. Beijing is wonderful but nothing feels better than home.”
“So, you’re definitely back for good here in good ol’ Shanghai?”
“I am!”
“Great! Welcome back, bro!” He raised his glass. “Cheers.”
“Cheers,” Ximen responded raising his own glass.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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