XiJia "You're my girl"

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Not so random thoughts on a late night. Two nights ago. I think.

I don't care who you kiss on your drama. I don't even care if it's...him. ... All I care about is that YOU'RE MY GIRL.


Jiaqi, I know you and him have great chemistry on screen. The audience love your tandem. Even more so than they love us, I mean XiYou CP. And I know it's crazy of me to be jealous of him but I can't help it.

You're jealous?

Of course I am.

Is that why you didn't talk to him at all last time on the Super Nova Games?

He caught me off guard. Didn't think he'd sit right beside me.

She smiled, amused. Too bad that's what the live broadcast caught on cam. And what fans saw.

I don't regret it.

She raised her eyebrow.

I mean, I don't care what they saw. Or what others think of me.
What I care about is you know that offcam he and I talked.

I know. She held his hand. And I'm sorry my work and CP partner is making you jealous. I hope you'll be more patient and understanding as we act sweetly  promoting the drama.

He rolled his eyes, sighed then nodded his head. This is punishment for having a really cute, sweet and lovable girlfriend.

Truth of the matter is I'm jealous. Annoyed and irritated.
At JiaQin. At Yiqin.

It's my XiJia heart that's making me crazy jealous.

I really love XiYou CP on MG2018. Then I got to know each of them. And both of them. I ended up convinced there was and still is something going on between the two of them. In real life. Oh XiJia!

I like their chemistry on screen. So much so that I imagined and made myself believed they'd be perfect for the roles of Jiang Zhishu and Yuan Xiangqin if there would be a remake of It Started With A Kiss. (Sorry but Fall In Love At First Kiss is not a full remake version in my records.)
Three reasons why:
1) Jiaqi loves the drama and is really keen to play the FL. She even resembles Ariel Lin.
2) While watching Xize play Ximen he reminds me of Furukawa Yuki. There are instances I see similarities in their features. Both tall and handsome, tsundere appeal...
3) The kiss. XiYou kisses beat CaiSi kisses. All kisses in MG2018. Haha My delulu went overdrive imagining XiJia on the married life part of ISWAK/INK.

To date, Xize and Jiaqi have filmed three dramas, respectively. But of the three dramas that Jiaqi filmed, two were filmed with same guy as ML.

Yep. Zhao Yiqin.

XiJia score 1.
JiaQin score 2.

And fans of CanLan and JiaQin CP are  overjoyed. They loved their tandem on Wait My Youth and now they're getting another treat. Whereas XiYou and XiJia fans are still waiting for drama gods and goddesses to hear us.

It's not fair.

Why can't XiJia work together again as main CP of their drama? Everyone loved XiYou CP. So why are they not getting a project together? (Same with Kim Bum and Kim So Eun. Even after more than ten years SoEulmates are still waiting. Including me.)

If they ever do, I hope it's to play as lovers and NOT AS SIBLINGS. (Like Ken and Rainie).

Also, what would we rather have: that XiJia as off screen lovers or on-screen partners? Can't it be both?

Mengyang Entertainment and Feibao Media --- do something!!!

Anyway, I have nothing against CanLan or JiaQin. I too love them. They're very cute and adorable together. Convincing even. I'm just jealous. For Ximen. For Xize. For XiYou. For XiJia. I can't help it. They're my first Cdrama CP. I will always be loyal to that CP. On and off screen.

For the record, I ship AnYi/XiWen too. Just not so much. And it's obvious Xize just treats Yuwen as a friend, bro even. Hehe As for ShenMing/XiMin, that remains to be seen. I think it's automatic for me to ship each of them with their new drama partners. The question is how hard do I ship them with others? Interestingly, I don't quite care about Nicky's pairing with Bi Wen Jun. I'm not into their CPhood just yet. And I'm not feeling the guy unlike Zhao Yiqin. Don't ask me why. Haha

Don't take me seriously. These are just my random thoughts. This is my curse for being heavily invested in actors/actresses I love. I get too emotionally attached. Can't help it. Watching dramas and fangirling are a great way to escape reality and be distracted. I need to draw the line between admiration and obsession. How? I'm in too deep. Help.

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