XiJia Huo Shao Yun

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Xize and Kuan are flying in to Shanghai sometime today (September 2, 2020) to attend tomorrow's Fashion Zoo event. KuanZe was last seen together on December 2019 for a brand event in Bangkok, Thailand. Now as many of you all know 1) Meteor Garden 2018 was filmed in Shanghai and nearby cities, 2) Li Jiaqi wrote in her farewell letter that she and Xize had a bet about Huo Shao Yun, 3) Li Jiaqi is currently in Shanghai filming for her new modern drama Youth Inn. I let my delulu take over of what could possibly happen. And I just really want a reunion pic or drama from Xize and Jiaqi. Is that so bad?

September 2, 2020 Beijing Airport

"Hey Wu Xize!" Kuan greeted once he spotted his friend.
They exchanged a handshake.
"Kuan Hong," Xize greeted back.
Kuan sat beside Xize and placed his backpack on his side. "Playing or watching?"
"Playing," Xize replied.
Both their managers appeared and handed over to them their respective plane tickets.
"We will be boarding in ten minutes," Cindy said.
"Okay," Xize acknowledged, his eyes never leaving the game he was playing on his mobile phone.

Inside the plane, about 30 minutes into the flight...

Kuan wanted to sleep so he could get more rest since he has been sleep deprived these days doing promotions of his recent drama My Unicorn Girl. But sleep was evading him and so he gave up. He opened his eyes and caught Xize watching a particular drama on his mobile phone.
He shifted in his seat which startled Xize who immediately turned off his phone and unplugged the earpods.
"Shouldn't you be watching my drama?" Kuan spoke.
Xize looked at him annoyed. "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?"
"I can't sleep," Kuan replied. "How many times have you watched the drama?"
"What do you mean?"  Xize looked away.
"Oh c'mon Wu Xize. We're homies. I know how you feel about Li Jiaqi."
"Why are you torturing yourself watching 99 Points Girlfriend when she was acting with him?"
Xize grunted.
"And I clearly remember how you ignored him when he sat beside you," teased Kuan.
"Can we not talk about him?"
"Fine," Kuan folded his arms. "You can continue watching Meng Hui. I'm going to sleep." He shut his eyes at once.
Xize watched Kuan for a moment. This time Kuan was really sleeping. He put back on his earpods and resumed watching Li Jiaqi's drama.

At a hotel in Shanghai...
"Looks like we're gonna be roomies my homies," Kuan said the moment they reached their room.
Xize rolled his eyes. Kuan has been teasing him all day.
They both settled their luggages inside a closet. He got first dibs on the bed near the windows.
"So did you tell Jiaqi we're here?" Kuan asked.
"Kuan I'm tired. Can you just stop bugging me?"
"You should have slept on the plane like I did then you wouldn't be tired right now," replied Kuan. "Or maybe it's because you watched the forbidden episode." Kuan was eyeing his friend with curiosity.
Xize was caught and he couldn't lie. Darn. Even asleep Kuan was a keen observer. "Fine. I watched episode 18," he admitted.
Kuan smirked. "I saw it too. They were both good in the scene."
"Too good if you ask me," Xize said sarcastically.
"They're just acting, Xize. They need to make it look believable," Kuan justified.
"I know," he sighed.
"So back to my question, did you tell Jiaqi we're in Shanghai?"
"No. What for?"
"Well, maybe she's done filming for the day and you two can hang out or something," Kuan suggested.
"I don't know, Kuan. She might be busy and tired."
Kuan smiled. "Don't be so defeated, Xize. Jiaqi and Zhao Yiqin are just friends."
"You clearly did not read the post of their drama director. They made a pact. 3Q. She made a pact to work with him again." Xize's voice was very jealous as he said the last sentence.
"So what? It's work related." Kuan approached Xize. "You have a bigger advantage over him."
Xize looked at Kuan. "What do you mean?"
"Well, you two both happen to be in Shanghai right now."
"You two still have that bet which I know for a fact has not been dealt with yet." Kuan patted Xize's  shoulders and returned to his own bed.
"Huo Shao Yun," Xize mumbled.

Kuan thought to help his friend a little. He glanced at Xize who was still staring blankly. He knew he should stay out of their business but he couldn't help playing cupid for the two. So he picked up his phone and left a message on the Meteor Heaven group chat: Here in Shanghai with Wu Xize. Sure brings a lot of memories. 😊
He watched as Xize opened his phone after the notification beeped.
"It's your move now," Kuan said.
Xize didn't say anything back or even moved.
The rest of the day was spent on fitting on clothes for tomorrow's event.
The Meteor Heaven group chat was quiet too.

To be continued...

Anything Goes Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora