Prologue: Life in London

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"It has been 7 years since the incident with the whole 'fake London underground the real London.' Yet, there are still many mysteries to uncover in London and around the UK aren't there? I'm Luke Triton, a 20 year old boy, who longs to be a gentleman like the infamous Professor Layton. But I guess he's not he?"

Luke stared outside his apartment window, as if he were looking for something...or someone.

"Luke!" A woman called out for the boy. "I bought groceries!"

"Oh, hello there Flora. Oh yeah, I didn't introduce you to her did I? This is Flora Reinhold, a beautiful young girl in her 20s just like me. She's actually 23 years old. The Professor and I had solved a bizarre mystery in a town called St. Mystere which her father had actually left for us. The mystery was harder than it actually looked, though I guess you can say any mystery is like that. We ended up solving the mystery and the Baron rewarded us with lots of gold and told us to take good care of Flora for him. The Professor, being the good gentleman he is, left the gold in Flora's hands to which she declined and said 'I will let the townspeople live on since they all cared for me for so long.' How sweet right? Uhm, yeah. Anyway Flora, did you get what we needed?"

"Sure did."

Flora giggled. Luke proceeded to open the bag and check if all the ingredients were in there.

"Perfect. This is exactly what we need to make the Professor's signature dish 'Archaeologist's Temptation.' But I must warn you Flora, I'm not that good at cooking."

"Oh don't worry, it can't be worse than mine I'm sure."

Flora giggled again. Luke began to attempt to make the Professor's signature dish. Apron on, hat on, and accessories all ready. First things first was boil the potatoes in a pan. An easy enough task for Luke. Next was to add the vegetables. Since Flora was a big fan of vegetables, she decided to chop them up and add them to the pan along with some butter. Flora proceeded to stir the vegetables.

"Oh how exciting, it's coming together already!"

"Patience Flora. We've only done two things yet. We still need to add some more."

The third step was to add the meat. Luke minced the meat and added it into the pan with the vegetables. The fourth step was to mash the potatoes. Flora took this task into her hands and mashed the potatoes in a bowl with ease.

"This is fun Luke. We should do this more often rather than getting someone to make food for us."

"You mean get takeout food?"

"Oh, is that what is is?"

Luke sighed, knowing it wasn't going to be easy to get Flora use to London Life. She was starting to settle in though, however, she can still be curious and unaware of her surroundings which is never a good thing.

"Right, back to work. We're almost done Flora!"

"Yay! I can't wait to eat it!"

Step 5, probably one of the hardest steps for Luke or Flora alone, so for this, they decided to work together.

"Right, now we need to layer the minced meat and mashed potatoes in a dish. Flora, you spread from the right. I'll spread from the left and we meet in the middle."

"Got it. So...spread from the right, and move towards the middle."

"Yes Flora, you can do this."

With that, the duo started spreading the mixture into a dish. It took them some time to get the entire dish level but when they did, it was time for the next step. Step 6: Bake in the oven.

"Ok Flora. Now we need to turn on the oven to approximately 200°C so that the dish can cook. But before that, let me just add the specialty on top." Luke reached into the fridge to bring out a container of even more vegetables to sprinkle on top. He neatly arranged them in each corner and even in the centre and formed the letter "L" for Layton in the centre too.

"Ta-da! How does it look?"

"Oh it looks lovely Luke. I can't wait to eat it!"

"Neither can I! I wonder how it will taste. I've never made this dish myself before."


"Yeah. I learnt how to make it because the Professor use to speak out all the steps he went through and the ingredients he used. I just wrote them all in my notebook as he did. Huh?"

Luke's conversation with Flora comes to a stop as they both hear a loud explosion outside. They both run to the window in their apartment room to take a look outside. It seems a fire has broken out near the Houses of Parliament...but why there? Luke notices a strange figure who looks a lot like the Professor running away from the scene. But that was impossible. Why would the Professor run away from an explosion like that? He also heard a faint cackle coming from the direction of this person too.

"Hey!" Luke tried calling for them but they were so far away that his voice was not heard. "That looks like the Professor! Come on Flora we have to go see what's going on down there and see if that really is him!"

"But, wait Luke. You want to go straight towards that smoke? It'll be dangerous there!"

"It's as a good gentleman should. They should always help those who are in need Flora!"


Flora hesitates for a moment before she turns the oven off, reaches for her red and white fluffy coat and rushes downstairs with Luke towards the smoke.

"I'm right behind you Luke!"

The two of them rushed off to the scene to find the mysterious person who looked like the Professor and to help anybody escaping from the fire.

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